•26• ( pt.2)

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After you guys get everything you need for the party you head back, when you see a long line of cars parked at the guys house.

" woah" Zach says. " I know right" you say.
" so... are you really going to invite y/bf/n?" Zach sheepishly asks as he rubs the back of his neck.

You smile and shrug " if you want"
He smiles and nods. " what should I say when she gets here?, what if she has a boyfriend?!, y/n does y/bf/n have a boyfriend?!, oh no what if she does?!!" He panicked.

" calm down Zach. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend. I'm mean I don't really know because i saw her post, she was kissing this guy" you joke.

" really?" He said in a hurtful tone. " no, I was just joking" you laugh.   He sighs in relief and smiles. "  well I have to go get ready, I need to impress a very beautiful girl"  he says.
You chuckle and smile. " I'm sure that she'll be impressed" you respond.

You both walk in and you see a whole bunch of people dancing, talking, eating, drinking, and on their phone.

Logan notices you. He smiles and waves as he walks over to you. " wassuupp y/n!!! " he exclaimed as he hugged you, picking you up a bit.

" hello to you too Logan" you giggle. " I haven't seen your little self in a long time!" He said.

" I know!, it's been a long time!" You respond. "  so where's Zach's little girlfriend?" He joked.

" oh she'll soon be coming" you respond. " I cant believe the kid has a girlfriend, and i don't" he fake cries.

" aww it's ok" you Pat his back and pull away. " we'll get you a girlfriend" you smile.

" hey guys!" Y/bf/n said as she walks up to you guys. " wooww look at you!" Logan says.
" forget Zach, you can come over to me" he smirked as he put his arm around her.

" yeah no thanks" she smiles and gets his arm off of her.  He laughs and so do you.

She looks around, looking for Zach. " lookin for your boyfriend" Logan said. She blushes a bit. " he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends" she responds.

" ouch, did Zach just get friend zoned?" Logan says. " ok Logan you can go away now" you says as you try to push him away.

" aww y/n is trying to push me away, but she can't" he laughs.  " wait is that a single girl over there?!" You lie. " where?!" He got up and  looked around.

" she's back there" you say. He quickly runs over to the back of the house.

You and your best friend laugh. Zach sees you and calls you over. " hey I'll be back" you tell her. She nods, and you walk over to Zach.

" what's up?" You ask. He immediately started talking so fast. "I'mfeelingsupernervous,wellIalwaysfeelnervouswhenI'maroundherwhatshouldIsaytohershouldIbelikehey,orheybeautiful?"

" ok first of all you need to slow down. Second of all you need to take it slow and don't feel nervous, be yourself" you smile.

He smiles and hugs you. " thanks y/n, you're the best" he said. " I know" you chuckled.

He takes a deep breath and walks over to your best friend. " hey beautiful" you hear jack say as he wraps his arms around your waist.

" hi" you smile and kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses your forehead. " well well well, if it isn't my old pal Jack Avery" A guy says as he walks up to you two.

He had soft Ocean blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that was a bit messy, he had a small smirk plastered on his face. " it's been a long time Avery" he smiles widely, showing his straight pearly white teeth. He had an Australian accent.

" what's up Blake" he smiles. " eh nothing much. This beautiful girl must be your girlfriend" he smiles and kisses your hand.

You smile. " y/n this is my best friend, Blake. Blake this is my girlfriend, y/n" jack smiles.

flashed a smile. " it's nice to meet you" you smile " it's nice to meet you too"

" wait if you're here then- " hello Avery!" Another guys said hugging him picking jack up a bit.

He had a cheeky smile: " look at you all grown up" he messes with jacks hair. " hello there you must be jack's girl friend?" He says.

" yup I'm y/n" you smile and shake his hand.
" I'm Aaron" he smiles.  " well I have to say  Avery, you're one lucky guy"  Blake says.

You giggle. " yeah I'll say" Aaron agreed.
" yup she's all mine" jack said as he wrapped his arms around your waist again. You could tell that he was jealous.

Aaron laughs. " hey don't worry I have a girl"
" what?  Aaron Westerfeld has a girlfriend?, I can't believe it!" Blake said.

"  yup believe it or not" Aaron said. " what's her name?" He asked. " ...her name is..... uh..... Isabelle!" Aaron says.

" you hesitated" Blake said. Aaron pouts and crosses his arms . " fine I don't have a girlfriend!"  " aww don't be upset about that, being single is so great because you're actually free and you can talk to whoever you want" Blake responds.

" ok who's up to play spin the bottle?!!!!" Logan yells from a megaphone.

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