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*Morning time*

You wake up to your alarm going off like crazy. " what in the world?" You groan and turn it off. That's when you remember that you guys were going back to LA.

" Babe wake up" you whisper as you nudge him lightly.  He groans and pulls you close.
" Good morning beautiful" he said in a raspy voice. " oh gosh!, morning breath" you joked and giggled. He smiles and pecks your lips, and kisses you all over your face.

" Hey!" You giggle. He smiles and looks at you. " I could look at you all day and I wouldn't get bored. You're just so Beautiful"

You blush and smile.
" Alright then, let's go get ready for the day" he says. " I don't want to get up" you groan.

" What was that?, does y/n want me to tickle her out of bed?" Jack says.

" Noooo.." you giggle. Jack starts walking towards you, holding his hands out.

" I'm coming for ya!" He smiles. He throws himself onto the bed, but you get up quickly.

" I'm up, I'm up" you tell him.
" alright, we should get ready then" he says and you nod.

*Time skip*

" Alright, I guess it's time to go" Jack says. " Aww man, I really liked this place" you pout. " I know you do. I promise we'll come back one day" he tells you.

You nod. He starts heading out, putting the the things in the car.
" I'm going to miss you y/n" Isla pouts. You smile a bit. " don't worry, I'll come back"

" yay!!!" She smiles and hugs you.
" I'm going to miss you a lot Isla" you tell her.

" we're going to miss you more" Ava and her mom say from behind. You smile and hug them back.

" Alright we have to go" Jack pouts and hugs his family. " Call me when you get there" Her mom tells him.

" you two be safe, alright?" His mom says. Both of you nod and start heading off to the airport.

*time skip*
*at the airport, getting on the plane*

You guys fell asleep on each other on the plane.  Suddenly someone taps on your shoulder.  You wake up and everybody was starting to get off the plane. You poke Jacks side, making him jump. You smile and giggle.
" wakey wakey sleepyhead". He wakes up and both of you start heading out.

*time skip*
*at the WDW house*

" Guess who's back?!!" You and Jack both sing.
" oh thank you!, I need those chicken wings like right now" you hear Corbyn say.

You both look at each other and start laughing. " We missed you too Corbyn" you laughed.

" WAIT IS THAT YOU Y/N?!, JACK?!" He yells and runs to the doorway, hugging both of you.

"I'm sorry guys I didn't recognize your voices, y/n your voice has gotten so deep and Jack's voice has gotten higher"  Corbyn jokes.

Both of you laugh. " y/n?!, Jack?!" You hear the boys yell and run towards both of you.

" we missed you so much" Daniel says. "It's been really boring here without you two" Zach says. " and no one wanted to get coffee with me" Jonah pouts.
Both of you aww.
" we missed you guys too"
After that you guys hung out, watched a movie, and eventually fell asleep on each other.

// I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!!!...

I'll tell you in the next chapter

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