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Then he looked at you...

His eyes glistened as he looked into yours.
" hello?!!!, bro!"  Daniel yells as he waves his hand in front of his face. The guy looks away from you and looks at him. " what's up?" He asks.

" are you ok?" He asks him. " yeah..." he said looking at you one more last time.  " who's that?" He asks still looking at you.

"oh that's y/n" Daniel and Jonah both answered.

He gave you a half smile. " I'm y/n" you said waving at him.

He waves back.

" dude?!, she has a boyfriend, stop flirting with her!" Corbyn Joked. He quickly looks back at Corbyn and his face flushes a bit. " what are you taking about bro?" He says.

Daniel glanced at him with a small smirk formed on his face. " mmmmhhhhmmmm, like we don't know what you're trying to do" he said.

You glare at Daniel and punch his arm. He cried in pain as everyone laughed. " watch out Daniel, she might even kick you in  the  balls next" jack said.

You turn around and look at him. " and how do you know that I won't kick you in the balls instead?" You responded.

The guys start snickering and laughing.
He laughs and got closer to you. " because I know you won't do that" he said. " oh really?" You respond as you got closer.

You were about to "kick" him, But he quickly grabbed you and carried you on his shoulder.

" put me down!!!" You tell him. " nope" he said as he started walking outside.

" where are we going?!, what are you going to do?!" You asked but he never answered back.

" Jack I'm serious!" You said as you tried to get off. You turn your head and look down as you notice him walking towards the pool.

" no please don't!!!" You yell. He put you down with you so close to the pool.

You glare at him. " where you really going to throw me into the pool?!, it's cold!" You said.

He looks at you with a smile as you continue to argue with him. " if I kiss you will you kiss me back?" He asks as he interrupted you.

" what?!" You respond. He smiles and gently held your face while he pressed his soft lips onto yours.

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