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"Let go of me!" You yell as he wrapped the chains around you.

" You are too loud, I guess we'll just have to shut that pretty mouth of yours up" he smirked and grabbed some tape, and covers your mouth with it.

You glare at him. He laughs and sits in the drivers seat. Suddenly you feel something vibrate from your back pocket.

" well what do we got here" he says and took your phone out. " Just the person I wanted to talk to" he says.

He answers it and puts it on speaker. " y/n?!, are you ok?!, I am so worried about you, where are you?!" It was jack.

You wanted to yell for help but you couldn't. You then notice that he didn't tie your feet so you could scoot closer to him to grab the keys.

" Hello Jack" he says. You scoot closer to him as he talked to jack on the phone.

" who is this?!, what are you doing with my Y/n?!" Jack responds.

" You don't remember me?, we used to best buds, it's Dylan, does that name ring a bell?" He replies.
Jack was shocked he didn't know what to say.

You were close to him now and so with all your force and strength, you kick him so hard, making him fall.

He groans. He hit his head hard on the side of the van. " hello?!, y/n are you ok?!"

You suddenly see someone walking but and you start to make loud noises, you bang on the side of the Van until you got their attention.

They immediately rush into the Van and carefully take off the ducktape.

You thanked the person and they helped you out of the chains.

" hello?, Jack are you still there?" You ask, grabbing your phone.

" Y/n?!, are you ok?!, oh my gosh you do not know how happy I am to hear your voice, I just want to give you a big hug and kiss you all day, not letting you go" he responds

You smile and laugh. " Can you tell me  where  you are?" He asks.

" let me ask" you ask the person that helped you  and she told jack where you were. 

" Don't worry I'm on my way" Jack tells you and hangs up.  You and the girl both grab Dylan's body and chain it up onto the chair.

He slowly started to wake up and looks around. " where am i, why am I chained?!" He asks, starting to get freaked out.

" how bad did you knock him out?" The girl laughs. " pretty bad" you laughed. " what the- who are you guys?!" He asked looking at you two.

" the real question is who are you?" The girl asks.  " just making sure if he knows who he is" she whispers to you.

" I'm Dylan, and I'm pretty sure I'm single, so how about I take you out sometime?" He winked at her.

" I think I'll pass" she says. " are you sure you wanna pass on this" he says pointing at his face.

The girl nods. Jack arrives and you run towards him. He engulfed you with a big hug. " I missed you so much y/n, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you, I know I'm a huge idiot for that and I'm-" before he could finish you interrupted him with a kiss.

He smiles and kisses back. " I love you so much" he tells you.

You blush and smile. " not trying to ruin your moment or anything but what are we going to do with him?" The girl asks pointing at Dylan.

Dylan smiles and waves at you two.
" well he doesn't really remember anything... so I guess we can let him go" you shrug.

" what do you mean he doesn't remember anything?" Jack asks.

" I kind of Kicked him way to hard and... yeah..." you say.

" well at least you're ok, that's all that matters " Jack said.

" ouch that hurt" Dylan said.
Jack rolls his eyes. " we should probably go now" he says. " we can't stay here, it's not safe for you" he says.

" what are you saying?" You ask him.
" We're going back to LA" he says.
You aww and pout. " I'm going to miss your family, they're so kind and sweet" you tell him.

He smiles. " I'm glad you liked them"

*time skip, you guys arrive home*

"Y/n!!!" You hear Isla yell. She runs towards you and hugs you tight.
" Are you ok?!, did that meanie hurt you?!" She asks.

" yes I'm ok Isla" you smile. She smiles. Jack's mom and sister hug you too. " Oh my goodness, thank god you're ok" His mom said.

You smiled and hugged her back.
" geez mom you're going to break y/n" Jack joked

She laughed and so did the rest of you guys. " sadly we have to go back to LA. I don't think it's safe for y/n to stay here anymore" Jack pouts.

"What?!, but I don't want Y/n to go!" Isla pouts. " I don't want to go either" you pout.

" we're leaving tomorrow morning so we have to pack our things now" Jack says.

You pout and nod. " aww" Isla pouts and let's go of you so you can pack your stuff. You go upstairs and you feel your phone vibrate.

You answer the call. " Hey y/n!" You hear Daniel's voice. " Hey Dani, what's up?" You say.

" nothing much, just missing you over here" he replies. " aww, well I'm coming back tomorrow" you tell him.

" Really?!" You laughed at the excitement in his voice.  " yes"
" yesss!!!, I missed you so much y/n!, you've probably gotten all taller and bigger now". You laugh. " I don't think i have gotten taller, I'm still short"

"Well alright I can't wait for you to come back, we all missed you so much"  he said. " Same, I'll call you tomorrow, I have to start packing, by Dani boy, Love you!"

" Love you too Y/n, cya Tomorrow!!" He says and hangs up. You put your phone away and start packing.

*time skip*

After packing you laid in bed, exhausted and tired. Jack walks in and jumps onto the bed, laying next to you. " Hi" he smiles cutely, looking at you.  "Hi there partner" you smiled back. He giggles and pecks your lips. " you're so adorable". You blush and snuggle up against him.

" well I have to go hit they hay now, we have to wake up early tomorrow" he says getting up.  You stop him and pull him onto the bed again.
"Can you stay here with me?" You ask him. He smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. " I'll stay whenever you want me to". You snuggle up to him, falling asleep.

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