Chapter 1

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Killian's POV

Everything changed a few weeks ago my life had fallen apart. My wife Milah died in a car crash leaving me with our three sons. Kayden (4), Elliot (2), and Logan (6months). I dont know how to do this on my own. Milah did everything around here. She would cook, she would clean, she would take care of the boys as I worked. Now I dont know what to do or who can help. My life as I know it has changed forever.

Emma's POV

Living in New York started off fun, but now it has just gotten to a point where I couldnt take it anymore. I needed a way out and so when my brother David told me his friend needed help I decided to go and help. I mean what could be so hard cleaning and cooking for a man who as just lost his wife. Its not like he has kids or anything.

Killian's POV

David is one of my best friends and he found someone who was willing to help because well she didnt have her own live or job or something. So I wouldnt feel weird having her help.

"So your sister is willing to help me?" I ask him.

"Yes. She is. She is an amazing cook and she can clean well. Before she left to New York our house was always clean and our food was always amazing you'll love her." David says.

"And how is she with kids?" I ask.

"Well she doesnt know that part yet. She just wanted to come back and wanted to stay busy for reason I dont know, but she will be helping you for a year." He says.

"Dave your sister doesnt know how to take care of children. How will this work?" I ask.

"Well Im not very sure how, but you can do it." He says and walked out.

What did that even mean?

Emma's POV

I arrived in Storybrooke and I went to my brother's house. When I walked in my nephew was screaming. God I hate children.

"Hey Emma, why dont you hold him and..." Snow says.

"Sorry I dont hold children. You know this. Though I do like how you named him after Neal." I say backing away from the one year old demon.

"Well Emma, Neal was great to you and if he hadnt been on the road that night after Prom. He would have never got hit by that car and he would have still been with us." She says.

"Yeah. Anyway... So this Killian Jones cant clean or cook for himself? Thats why he needs help?" I question.

"Oh Emma. David didnt tell you did he? Em, Killian has more then just that he needs help with." She says.

"What do you mean?" I question.

Before she could tell me David walked in and dragged me out the door.

Killian's POV

David is stupid to think that this will work. His sister has now experience with children and from what David told me she refuses to even hold his son. This will not go well.

"Killian, this is my sister Emma Swan. Em this is Killian Jones." David says walking in with his sister.

"Swan? I thought you to were brother and sister." I say.

"Same mother different father." Emma says.

"Oh well welcome. I guess." I say.

She then looked around and I think once she saw the children stuff she got very confused.

"So you have fun now. Cook, clean, and take care of his kids while he works. Love you. Bye." David says and ran out.

"Kids? You have kids?" Emma questions.

"Yeah three sons. They are with my dad tonight. So I guess I'll show you around and then tonight you can kill David and tomorrow if you show.... I guess I'll show you the ropes around here." I say.

"Yeah I guess." She says.

I showed her around for about and hour and she then left. This was going to be very interesting. Though I might have to rethink this because I love my kids and I dont know if Emma Swan is worth taking care of them. She may be nice, but she didnt even know what formula looked like. So this could go very badly. I guess I'll find out tomorrow if she shows.

A/N: Hey you guys please let me know what you think about this story. It would mean alot. Thanks.

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