Chapter 36

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Emma's POV

It was starting to get harder to get up as the baby was growing. I couldnt see my feet anymore and I was starting to hate Killian for doing this to me.

"Hey Swan are you okay?" Killian asks me.

"Am I okay? You did this to me. Now I cant see my feet and I cant move. Why did you do this to me?" I ask.

"Love I know towards the end of the pregnancy things get tougher. Look Im sorry you hate this, but maybe you and I can start coming up with our child's name?" He asks.

"Look Killian I cant think straight right now. Mainly cause Im so uncomfortable with this pregnancy." I say.

"Well you know what why dont you relax. I'll give you a massage until your not as tense." He says.

Killian just started massaging my shoulders, then my back, and then my legs, lastly my feet. I gotta say this took alot of stress out of me and made me feel so much better. Having this baby is scary and tense at times, but Im lucky to have someone as amazing as Killian taking care of me.

"Daddy! Daddy! I wanna watch TV, but Kayden took the remote." Elliot yells running into the room.

"I'll be right back love." Killian says taking Elliot with him as he leaves.

I picked up the ultrasound photo and looked at my baby. I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled. Sure the pregnancy was uncomfortable, but I guess its worth it. I grabbed the book of baby names from the nightstand and started to go though it.

"This name is cute... Oh so is this one... Ohhh and this one as well. Great to many cute names to choose." I say.

"Momma... Hi momma." Logan says.

That was the first time he called me that. He just climbed on to the bed and laid his head on my tummy. He just likes to be close to the baby. Something tells me this baby will be loved by many many people.

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