Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Its been a month a month and I have done better. Alot better like last weekend when Killian left to the store I handled all three kids all by myself with Snow's help. Okay who was I kidding I cant do this, but apart of me really wants to prove to Killian and to myself that I can handle this.

"Hey Swan." Killian says.

"Hey I thought you had plans with your brothers, my brother, and your dad tonight." I say.

"Well I was, but since Snow and my sister-in-laws are going out tonight someone has to watch all the kids. So here I am." He says.

"All do it." I say.

"What? Emma I dont think so." He says.

"Please.. How hard could it?" I question.

"Lets see my brother Liam has a son named Wyatt who is 5, you know Kayden is 4, my brother Will's son Bryan is 3, you know Elliot who is 2, your nephew Neal who is a year old, and Logan who is 7 months now. Swan thats 6 boys. I dont think you can handle them all alone. You cant even handle three alone. How can you handle 6?" He questions.

"Look I know I havent been the best, but now that no one can come help me maybe I can really do it." I say.

"Swan..." He says.

Before he could say anything the others walked in with their kids.

"Hey Emma. Killian. Is everything okay?" David asks.

"Yeah except Emma thinks she can take care of all 6 boys alone. Please tell her she's crazy." Killian says.

"Well if she wants to try I dont see why not." Will says.

"Yeah if she wants to let her and that means you can come with us." Liam says.

"See their fine with it." I say.

"David say something." Killian says.

"Well its true Emma doesnt know what the hell she is doing, but if she is willing to try I dont see what the big deal is." David says.

"See... Now can you trust me?" I ask.

He just looked at me and the others and then back at me.

"Okay. Go for it, but if you need anything and I mean anything you call me." Killian says.

They all ended up leaving after I got dinner made. Then I looked at table were there was 6 little boys and then I realized Killian was right. I cant do this, but then again I had to show him I could. God why am I so obsessed with showing him I can do this? I cant worry about this now. I have 6 little boys here and I have to take care of them. I can do this. I can do this. I wonder what Killian looks like with his shirt off.... Why did I think that? Though before I could process that thought all hell broke lose.

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