Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

How could Killian do that to me after all I've done for him. Its like he didnt even care about how I felt about it. I decided to just go for a walk and try to forget yesterday. Thats when I saw a bunch of woman outside Killian's house. They all seemed to talk about joining him and he sons for free just so they could have him. Thats when I lost it again. I pushed through the line to get to the door.

"Hey blondie back of the line. We all want this job and you cant cut in front." One woman says.

"Oh yeah watch me." I say pushing her out of my way.

I then went barging right into Killian's house slamming the door behind me. He was interviewing some woman and they both looked at me.

"What the hell Swan! You cant do that." Killian says.

"Yeah you cant do that lady." The woman says.

"Get out before I pound on you." I say.

After first she thought I was joking and when she realized I wasnt she ran out. I locked the door so no one else could walk in and Killian didnt seem to happy with me and I didnt care cause I wasnt to happy with him.

"That was uncalled for Swan and you know it. You made...."He starts.

"Shut up. Non of this is about the choice I made. I get it I decided to leave, but you... You just wanted to hurt me." I say.

"Excuse me I didnt want to hurt you. I just realized its easier to do this with help. So I dont get why your so mad." He says.

I guess I did over react without telling him what was bothering me. Maybe if I am honest with him he would stop.

"Im mad because yesterday and today was a slap in the face. You really hurt my feeling Killian. I staid to help you and made it so you didnt need any help once the year was up. You doing this was like saying that I failed to help you and your sons. There is nothing more painful then thinking you failed after a year of helping even though it seemed that you did good. Thats why Im so mad at you. It was like you didnt even consider how this made me feel. Thats what hurt Killian." I say holding back the tears.

"Swan...." He says.

Thats all he could say to me. He didnt even looked at me. Here I was now crying and he couldnt even look at me.

"God and to think I thought you were much better then this. Now I understand it. You never ever cared about me or what I've done for you and that hurts alot more then you wanted someone else to help." I say.

I just walked right out in tears leaving his door open. I walked through the line again and then looked back at Killian who looked at me for a moment and then let another woman in his house. I just walked back to David's slowly and as my heart sank in my chest. I couldnt believe I thought for a moment he might care about me enough to stop then interviews or even care enough to hold me as I cried. That was the last straw. After I got back to David I grabbed my stuff and put it into my car. I was leaving and Im not coming back. Never again will I see Killian Jones and I guess I'll get over him in time. Then again I've never loved someone before. How do I get over him? I guess I'll figure that out once I leave him and all this pain behind me.

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