Chapter 3

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Killian's POV

Emma has been here a day and I could tell she wasnt happy that her brother tricked her into help me with my kids. At night I had to show her just how the kids need to be bathed and put to bed. Logan now sleeps through the night sometimes, but he didnt last night and I had to get him because Emma still doesnt know what she is doing.

"Woah whats that smell?" I ask walking into the kitchen.

"Its Pancakes, or is it the Bacon, or the Sausage. I made breakfast." Emma says.

"Yeah I can smell and see that." I say.

"Look I know Im not qualified to help you with your kids, but I want to. Though can I ask why you need help? You seen to be a wonderful father." She says.

"Well my wife did everything around here and I worked. Now I have to find away to do work and be a father and its hard when you dont know how to do that." I say.

"Well thats another reason I staid to help. After David's father died our mom's friend moved in and staid a year. She at first did everything around the house so our mom could work. Then little by little she would stop doing one thing. That way by the end of the year my mother had a system for work and to be a mother. So thats what Im going to do for you." She says.

"Well thats a lovely plan, but Swan you know nothing about taking care of kids. Im the weekend Im here, but starting tomorrow you fly solo during the day. Can you handle that?" I ask.

"Well your older two are in preschool right?" She questions.

"Yeah, but you still have to drop them off, pick them up, and most importantly you will be taking care of Logan all day." I say.

"Yeah I know and.... I think I can handle it. I mean I can handle it."
She says nervously.

"Swan you couldnt even watch as I showed you how to change a diaper. How are you suppose to change Logan on your own?" I question.

"Believe me I'll get better. Besides Snow says if I need any help she would come help me. As did your family when they stopped by this morning to make sure everything was going well. Look I know I know I dont know what I am doing and I clearly dont believe in myself, but I think I could be somewhat good by the time is up. As long as you let me try I think this could work." She says.

"Yeah I know I do think theres a chance things will go well. Its just their my boys and I want to make sure they are okay. I'll try to be more hopeful that you can do this, but it will take time." I say.

"Yeah I know. Thanks for giving me a shot. Now sit down and eat." She says to me.

I sat down at the table where my boys were and I believe that this will go okay. I mean all three of my boys were up before me and Emma did seem to take care of them before I got up. Maybe this could work after all.

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