Chapter 19

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Killian's POV

Emma leaves next month and she had already left to find herself a place in New York. It would seem there was nothing I could do to get Emma to stay with us. Im just gonna have to face facts that I will have to do this alone and if I ever find someone it wont be Emma.

"Daddy? When does Miss.Emma come back?" Elliot asks.

"Tomorrow pal, but she might not stay long." I say.

"Why does she hate us?" Kayden asks.

"No. She just has to get back to her own life." I say.

They both looked very upset and they just ran up to their rooms. It crushed me that they were this upset about Emma being gone. Next month will be the worse. Later in the day Emma called me through VideoChat and she seemed happy.

"Hey. How is everything over there?" Emma asks.

"Great, but the boys do miss you." I say.

"Well I miss them too, but I have this amazing job offer and this amazing apartment Im getting once I come here. So now no one has to worry about how I'll be back in New York." She says.

"Well Im happy for you love. Very happy. Hey since you will be leaving so can I ask why you came and staid?" I ask.

"Well Im afraid you might hate the answer." She says.

"I promise I wont." I say.

She took a deep breath and then just looked at me for a moment.

"My ex. He was driving me crazy. He was clingy and nosey and always in my stuff. I could never catch a break and then David told me about you. So.... For my own selfish reason I came to help. I used your incident of losing your wife as a way to get away from my ex. So for that Im sorry. I know you think I was being selfless when reality I was being selfish and for that I am sorry." She says.

"Emma its okay. So you came out of a selfish reason. You still stuck with us through it all and for that I am grateful. Im happy your finding it better in New York and you know if you ever need a place to run.... Our house is always open." I say.

"Thanks Killian that means alot. Well I've had a long day so Im gonna go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." She says.

Before I could close my computer the boys came downstairs and when they saw I was talking to Emma they got mad.

"Your a meany!" Elliot says to Emma.

"You hate us! Well now we hate you." Kayden says to her as well.

Then they both just quickly ran upstairs and Emma looked as if she was about to cry.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asks.

"They are just mad you left for a few days. It will pass when they see you tomorrow." I lie.

"Oh okay. I'll let you handle it then." She says.

I closed my computer and went to talk to my boys. Since I didnt want Emma to know I told them she might leave. I might have bribed them to keep the secret and when Emma go home the next day they did. Though now I a bad feeling that everything was about to go completely wrong.

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