Chapter 29

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Killian's POV

Emma and I have been together for awhile now and I want to her thoughts on where she thinks this relationship is going. I think that we are going to last, but after her ex showed up I wanted to know where she sees this going.

"Hey love can we talk?" I ask.

"Sure. Just let me put Logan down for a nap and we'll talk." Emma says.

"Sure thing love." I say to her.

I waited on the couch for Emma to return and all I could think about was what does she want. Im seeing a future with her like maybe a marriage or maybe kids of our own, but I have to know if she feels the same way.

"Okay Logan is napping. Also Liam called he is keeping Kayden tonight and he told me that Will is keeping Elliot tonight. So it will just be the three of us." Emma says walking downstairs.

"Well thanks for telling me love, but now we have to talk about what I wanted to talk about." I say.

"Right. What did you want to talk about? Is this about Graham again? Cause I already told you I dont want him. I want you." She says.

"Well I know that I just have one question for you. I see us having a future together, but do you?" I ask.

"Yes I do. I see us together for a long time. Why do you ask?" She questions.

"Emma what do you see? Like marriage or kids?" I ask.

"Well I do see like maybe a marriage down the line and you already have kids." She says.

"Wait... You dont want kids of your own? Like one that is from both of us?" I ask.

"Oh... Well Im not sure. I've never thought about having my own kids before. Though that doesnt mean that one day I wont.... You know what I dont want to think far down the line anymore. I hope thats okay." She says.

"You know what love thats just fine. I just wanted to know if you saw a future and you do so thats all I need." I say.

I got up and headed into the kitchen sure she was unsure about having kids of her own and its not a big deal since I already have three. I just now know that Emma does want to be with me and thats all I really needed to know.

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