Chapter 32

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Emma's POV

After knowing the answer to the wether or not I was pregnant things started to become less clear. I didnt know what to do and I know Killian is with me no matter what, but I was still worried about this.

"Okay Em. What did you want to talk about?" David asks.

"Well I have some news. I dont know if Killian told you or not, but we took a pregnancy test." I say.

"Well what was the results?" He asks.

"Well... The first one said Pregnant. The second one said Not Pregnant. Then we took a third one that came out unclear. So we went to the doctors and now we know the truth." I say.

"Well what is it? Is my sister become a mother of her own child?" He asks.

"Well... Yeah. Im pregnant, but Im scared." I say.

"Why? I've seen you with Kayden, Elliot, and Logan your so good with them. So you dont need to be scared beside Killian will be with you at all times he isnt going anywhere. Now why are you so scared?" He asks.

"Cause the other three are Killian's and he is mostly responsible for their growth and well being. I just have to go with what he says and what he wants for them. This one I have to be really in charge and what if this baby grows to hate me? What if I fail him or her?" I question.

"Emma you cant think like that. Your baby wont hate you and you wont fail this baby. As for the other three Killian isnt the only one who is responsible for them you are too. Just remember that you have alot of people who are here for you and believe that you can do this. Trust me we are all here for you and this baby. I can grantee you that you dont have to fear anything because no one will let you fall." He says.

"You really believe that?" I ask.

"Yeah I do. Now go talk to Killian. He has been through this three other times if anyone can really reassure you that your going to be great it will be him." He says.

"Thanks David." I say.

I gave my brother a quick hug and headed home. When I got there Killian was on the couch with all three of the boys asleep on him.

"Hey love." Killian says to me.

"Hey. Umm about all this thats going on. I want you to know that Im okay." I say.

"What happened to not knowing if your good enough?" He asks.

"David talked to me and made me realize that as long I as have you and everyone else to believe in me.. I can actually do this." I say.

"That you can love. I promise you that cause Im not going anywhere. I love you and I couldnt be happier to be a father again." He says.

He made me feel even more confident in myself then I never thought I will be. I was going to have a baby and that means four kids in the house and when I had this thought last time I was scared, but now Im actually excited. Im going to be a mother and I might technically be one already, but this time its from the start. I will be a good mother and I know this because I have alot of people who believe in me.

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