Chapter 13

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Killian's POV

Ever since Milah passed nothing really seemed the same. Then Emma walking into our lives and something happened. At first Emma didnt know what she was doing, but now she does and things just seemed right.

"Okay Killian its time." David says.

"Time for what?" I ask.

"Time for us to go to the bar and find you someone new." He says.

"Dave Im not ready to date. I told you this. Im still not over what happened to my wife." I say.

"I know, but I thought this way you could meet someone and just have a female companion that might turn into more." He says.

I wanted to say something, but before I could Emma walked downstairs with Logan.

"Hey Swan. Whats up?" I ask.

"Logan's alittle warm and I noticed what looked like a tooth growing in. What do I do?" Emma asks.

"Well, just hold him. I'll get the teething ring out of the freezer." I say getting up.

"Isnt this is second tooth. Shouldnt Emma know what to do?" David asks.

"Well last time it happened I gave Emma the day off." I say walking back into the living room.

"Well tell her what to do and then out we go." He says.

I handed Emma the teething ring and pulled David outside.

"Look I really dont feel like going out tonight. Besides my son doesnt feel well and Emma hasnt had to deal with this yet and she needs help. So I cant. Go and have fun with the ladies yourself." I say walking back in.

"You could have went with him you know." Emma says.

"Well I didnt want to. I'll go get the baby thermometer to see if he has a fever." I say to her.

I got what I needed and checked my son just incase he did have a fever, but lucky for us he didnt. I went to put the thermometer back and before I walked into the living room I saw Emma. She was just holding Logan close to her and he seemed happy and peaceful with her. Like I said before when Emma came things got better, but what happens when Emma leaves us in less then a year. I dont think the kids will handle it very well. I know I wont.

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