Chapter 5

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Killian's POV

Things with Emma and the kids could be better, but its only been her first week. Well when I say things could be better I mean Kayden doesnt like Emma, Emma doesnt know really know how to really take care of Logan, and as for Elliot he doesnt really notice.

"Swan, can we talk for a moment?" I ask.

"Sure Killian. Have I done something wrong again?" Emma questions.

"Not this time love. I just have to talk to you about something." I say.

"Okay what is it?" She asks.

"Well you see there I have to work tomorrow even though its usually a day off. So Im gonna need you to take care of all three boys until I get home." I say.

"What? No. I dont think Im ready to handle all three without help yet. I mean Snow helps me after the boys are done with preschool until you get home, but me alone with all three I dont know." She says.

"Swan you can do this it will only be about an hour or so. If you will need anything just call me." I say.

"I guess I could. Maybe." She says.

The next day I went to work to help out my father and about 2 hours later I went home and my house was a mess and Emma was laying on the couch with baby food all over her.

"Swan what happened? Where are my boys?" I ask.

"Upstairs with David. Im sorry I couldnt handle them all. It was quiet and then Logan started crying and the other two woke up. Once Kayden noticed you werent here he got mad. Thats when the mess happened. He kept yelling for you and throwing toys everywhere. Then Elliot thought it was a game and joined him. I told them to stop and they said no. I decided to just to breakfast and get them to eat. One thing lead to another and Elliot and Kayden started throwing the food everywhere. I was feeding Logan and he saw how the others were acting and thats when he threw food at me. Then thats when I had a break down and had to call David for help." She says.

"Love, I was only gone for two hours." I say.

"And I told you I wasnt ready to take care of them all by myself." She says.

"I guess I could have called some to help. Im sorry love. I guess that since you have done somewhat well during the week you could have handled it." I say.

"Well it would seem that Im just not ready to take care of them all by myself. I think maybe you should just tell me to go and that will be that." She says.

"No I think you just need to remember that it will get better over time. Please dont go." I say.

"Okay I guess I wont. Im sorry for the mess I'll clean it. I promise." She says.

As she started cleaning I went to check on my boys. They were all napping and so was David. I was about to walk downstairs when I saw Emma cleaning. I was odd she wanted me to let he leave, but I told her no. I have no idea where that came from. Why did I want Emma to stay? Huh well I guess I'll never know why I did that.

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