Chapter 26

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Emma's POV

When I decided to stay and be with Killian and his children I gave up stuff I never thought I would. Some days I think I made the wrong decision and other days I love the choice I made. I sat with Logan on the couch as we waited for Killian to come home.

"Hey Swan. Hey little man." Killian says coming in.

"Hey you. Im glad your finally home." I say.

"Yeah me too. Hey where are the other two boys?" He asks.

"Oh your dad wanted to take them to the park and then out for Ice Cream." I say.

"Well thats nice of him." He says taking Logan from me.

I just got up and went into the kitchen and today I was thinking about all I gave up to be here. I also cant stop thinking about how Im just living with my boyfriend and his kids and not contributing to this family.

"Hey what would you like for dinner?" I ask Killian.

"Umm whatever you want love. Im not picky." He says.

"Okay." I say.

I was in the kitchen making dinner when Killian wrapped his arms around my waist and was kissing my neck.

"Are you alright love?" He asks me.

"Im fine." I say.

"Love are you sure your okay?" He asks.

He turned me towards him and moved my hair out of my face. He knew something was wrong, but I didnt want to tell him because I didnt want to hurt him.

"Killian Im fine. Look today is just one of those days. Im really okay." I say.

"Swan no your not. Talk to me." He says.

"Fine.... There are some days where I hate the choice I made. There are others where I love it. Then there are those days were I feel confused about it all. I dont contribute and I gave up what I wanted. Its just hard at times and I didnt want to tell you cause I dont want to hurt you." I say to him.

"Love thats understandable. You gave up alot for me and my boys. I know you love Animals and we have a shelter here why dont you get a job there. That way you can do what you love and contribute like you want to. Dont worry about hurting me by telling me how you feel because I love you." He says.

"Your right. Maybe I can do that. Thank you Killian. I love you so much." I say and kiss him.

After we pulled away he went back to Logan and I went back to making dinner. Im just glad I didnt hurt him because I never want to hurt the man I love.

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