Chapter 28

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Emma's POV

Killian took Kayden and Elliot to the docks for the day to go fishing. So I decided to go for a walk around town with Logan. I pushed him around his stroller as we looked around the town. I love spending time with Logan and I believe he likes hanging out with me as well.

"Emma... Hey." Graham says.

"Hey Graham." I say.

"So come on Emma let go back to New York. Just you and me like it should be." He says.

"What no. Im sorry, but I moved on and I have a new life here. With my boyfriend and his sons." I say.

"Emma listen this isnt the life you wanted. Remember you never wanted kids and you never really wanted to settled down. So come back with me you know you want to." He says.

"No Graham Im sorry, but I changed. I love where Im at and who Im with. Im sorry, but that isnt with you." I say.

"Please Emma... Think about it." He says.

He walked away from me and I walked down to the docks where Killian and the other boys were. I took Logan out of his stroller and sat him next to Killian.

"Hey love. I thought you were gonna take Logan around town all day today?" Killian asks.

"That was the plan, but I ran into Graham. He wants me to go back to New York with him. He didnt even care that I was with Logan and he didnt even care that Im with you." I tell him.

"Well love if you want to leave and be with him I wont stop you. I want you to be happy and if thats what will make you happy I wont stop you." He says.

"Killian listen to me. I love you and your boys so Im not going anywhere. I dont care about Graham the way I care about you. You make me happier then I've ever been. So dont worry about me leaving you cause that will never happen." I say.

Killian decided to stop the fishing cause they wernt catching anything. We went home and just spent time just the five of us and thats all I could ever want. Just the man I love and his three kids.

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