Chapter 31

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Killian's POV

I decided to just let go of this having other children thing someday. Emma didnt seem to comfortable with the idea and Im not gonna make her do anything she does want to. Through out the last few months Emma has been acting as if we didnt have a big life changing conversation.

"Hey Killian can we talk?" Emma asks me.

"Sure love. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes everything is just fine except do you remember a like 6 weeks ago?" She asks me.

"Not really why?" I ask.

"Thats my point we had a very crazy drunk night while your kids spent the night with your father. So why I brought it up is because I havent had my period when I should have two weeks ago." She says.

"Well... Ummm... What should we do? I mean if we are pregnant that would be amazing, but if your not then we have nothing to worry about. I know you still dont know if want to have kids of your own, but I swear I didnt do this on purpose. I dont care wether your pregnant or not I love you no matter what." I say.

"Well Im alittle afraid of the results of the possibility being a mother, but I will love you no matter what the result it is as well. Im just scared, but I'll go take a test and see if we are pregnant." She says.

She left the house and I paced around the room. Since my boys were asleep I just waited for Emma to come back. Once she came home she went to the bathroom and came back out after alittle.

"Well...?" I ask.

"It takes a few minutes before we will know for sure wether or not we are pregnant." She says.

"Well if we are pregnant I will be happy because we will be having a baby together. Though even if we arent it will be okay as well because I love you and thats all that matters to me." I say and hugged her.

"Okay its time." She says.

She went to the bathroom and came back with the pregnancy test in her hand. She just then started crying and I didnt know if it was tears of Relief, tears of Joy, or tears of Fear. Though when I saw the result I still didnt know how Emma felt about it. I just hugged her and kissed her head because I am here for her wether she is pregnant or not.

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