Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

Yesterday I said I would help and then I learn this man has kids. I have never been good with children and David knew this. Though I cant go back to New York either after... Well I guess I should give this Killian guy and his kids a chance.

"You came?" Killian says when he answered the door.

"Yeah I decided it wasnt your fault it was David's and I want to try and help. If you'd let me." I say.

"Yeah sure come on in." He says.

I walked inside and noticed my brother and three other guys sitting on the couch.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"Well you see I told Killian's brothers and his father about well you and your lack of child care and well they and myself wanted see how this would go." David says.

"I told them to go, but you know David." Killian says.

"That I do." I say.

Before anyone could say anything two little demons came out of nowhere.

"Emma these are two of my boys. The older one is Kayden he is 4 and the younger one is Elliot and he is 2." Killian says.

"Umm hi." I say.

"Hi lady." Kayden says.

"Uppie." Elliot says to me.

"Umm I.. Uhh.." I say.

"Mean lady." Kayden says and they both ran upstairs.

David found that all to funny. While the others really didnt.

"Dont worry about it. Those two can be stinkers like their Daddy. Oh by the way Im Brennan, Killian's father." Brennan says.

"And Im Liam and thats Will. To be fair we didnt come here to see how you can handle it. We wanted to make sure if you didnt show that Killian would be okay on his own. Even though he hasnt been." Liam says.

"Okay... Dad, Brothers. Get out." Killian says.

The three of them walked out and before he could tell David to leave there was a sound of crying. Killian went upstairs and brought down a small crying lump.

"This should be good." David says.

"Emma meet Logan the youngest child. He is only 6 months old. Anyway he is hungry so Im gonna need your help. So Swan could you please hold him." Killian says and hands me the child.

"Uhh." I say.

I held the child out and far away from me and Killian just gave me a very weird look.

"He's not a bomb. Just hold him close to you while I make a bottle." Killian says.

"Okay." I say.

Killian walked away and David was laughing at me. I didnt know why I put the child closer to me like Killian said to.

"Thats very interesting." David says.

"What do you mean? Im just holding him and praying to god I dont drop him." I say.

"You know what I'll let you figure it out. I should go. Oh and Emma have fun." David says and walked out.

I just looked at this thing and two things came to my head. One was I should just put him down and run out and the others was I never want to have kids in my life. Killian came back and took the child back. As Killian feed the baby the other two came back running in. This was going to be my life for the next year and I have to say I am terrified for myself for the next year. All I know is after its up I tying tubes and not having any children of my own and I will also avoid any man that has kids or wants kids. Yeah Im definitely gonna die alone and thats just fine with me.

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