Broken & Bruised

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I woke up extra early so that I could surprise Luke. It was his 18th birthday, a big one, so I decided to make it as special and memorable for him as possible. I crept downstairs at 9:30am to make him breakfast, letting him have a lie in seeing as it was a special occasion. I was making him his favourite, pancakes and waffles with maple syrup and a cup of tea in a new penguin mug I bought him. I placed his Mum's, Liz, who I had had great conversations with over the phone, and other family members cards on the corner of the tray and carefully tiptoed back up the stairs to our bedroom.

As I walked in, I saw that he was sprawled out over the bed, taking up the whole mattress, and he was snoring softly. I giggled and placed the tray on his bedside table. I knelt down beside where his head was and kissed his forehead, taking his hand and giving it light squeezes to try and wake him up. He gradually started to wake up, his sleepy, confused eyes meeting with mine as he fell out of his deep sleep. His eyes were a bright blue and his hair was messed up but still looked great. God, even his morning face was hot.

"G'morning baby! Did you sleep well?" He smiled at me then frowned. "Wait, you're being nice to me? What day is it?" He said in a raspy voice. I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him slight shove. "It's your birthday, stupid! I made you your favourite," I said, proudly, gesturing towards the tray. His face lit up as soon as he saw the mountain of pancakes and waffles I had prepared for him and clumsily sat himself up, leaning back against the headboard. I placed the tray on his lap and climbed into bed next to him. He laughed as soon as he saw the penguin mug. "Thanks, beautiful!" He exclaimed, kissing me softly on the lips. I blushed and giggled, "Your welcome! Now open your cards!"

After going through a million envelopes, all of them pretty much saying how proud they were of him and jokes about all the things he could do now he was 18, he tucked in to his breakfast, using up nearly the whole bottle of syrup and speed loading them into his mouth as if he hadn't eaten for days. When he eventually put down his knife and fork, he sighed and did a loud burp. I just rolled my eyes and took the tray back downstairs.

When I came back up, he was in the bathroom and had obviously had a shower. Luke had a towel wrapped round his waist and he was styling his now wet hair. Good, I had loads of time. I decided to go back downstairs and wrap the rest of his presents. I had bought him some new underwear (the other guys kept stealing his for some reason), both the mean girls movies and a little keychain with a penguin on it. I had also picked him up some new, loose tank tops as he always seemed to wear the same ones.

I came back upstairs, balancing the presents in my hands to find Luke now dressed in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans (typical) and a pair of dark grey boots. He was shirtless and was rummaging around the room trying to find something. "Why don't you put one of these on instead?" I asked, chucking him one of his messily wrapped presents. He caught it and smiled at me like a little boy on Christmas Day. It made me smile as he sat on the bed and eagerly unwrapped it, revealing his new shirts.

He picked up the black one that had some sort of white star logo on the front and slipped it on over his head. "Give us a twirl!" I smirked, sarcastically. He laughed and spun round for me. "Beautiful!" I giggled, clapping my hands. Luke walked over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I placed my hands around his neck and he pushed his lips against mine. "Happy birthday, Lucas." I whispered in his ear. He smirked at me, kissed me quickly again and then grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Hey, it's my birthday, right? That means I can do what I want today! But everything would mean nothing if I didn't get to do it with you!"
I giggled and blushed as we clambered in to his Mercedes. We drove round for a little while, enjoying the scenery of the place we wished we lived in. At about 1 o'clock, I told Luke to go in the direction of the park. I had a surprise for him. As we pulled on to the curb, I jumped out of the car and we scampered into the wood. I led him to a small clearing just near the edge of the cliff. It was the place that Luke had told me that he loved me.

Laid out some way behind was a picnic blanket with a basket and some pillows sat on top of it. Thank you, Calum. "You remember this place?" I said, eagerly.
"Remember it? I was the one who took you here!" He exclaimed. I chuckled lightly and suddenly he pulled me close, cupping my face in his hands. "You know I will always love you, right? What I said that day, that will never change. You mean so much to me." He lent in and kissed me intensely. "And I love you even more now that I can smell pizza coming from that basket."
"That is some sense of smell you got there, Hemmings," I said, quickly brushing his nose with the tip of my forefinger. We sniggered then collapsed onto the blanket and tucked in to our little meal.

It consisted of crisps, pizza, sausage rolls, chips and some fizzy lemonade poured into some pony cups (Ashton must have smuggled them in). After we had finished, I snuggled up against Luke's chest as we leant against the pillows, watching the waves crash against the rocks in the distance, the sun making the surface of the water sparkle. Somehow, everything seemed better when the sun was out. You couldn't help but feel proud of it, to shine through all the dark clouds and wet weather to still have the ability to stay positive and make other people feel good. The lush greenery of the forest swayed slightly in the summer breeze and life was so peaceful and simple. I could've stayed there in Luke's arms forever.

Unfortunately, I couldn't and I removed myself from Luke's grasp. "You know, this isn't the only surprise you've got today," I hinted to him.
"No?" He asked. I shook my head.
"You need to drop me home," I told him. He looked worried and puzzled.
"Why, what's wrong?" He questioned. I just laughed. "Nothing, Lucas, don't worry. I just need to pick something up for your surprise and I don't want you to see it until later!" I fished a small piece of paper with an address on it out of the side of the picnic basket and handed it to him. "After you've dropped me off, make your way to this place. And don't worry, I promise I'll be there later."

We gathered up the rest of the picnic and made our way back to the car. Luke, reluctantly, dropped me back to our house, kissing me passionately before he drove away. I jumped into Sarah's car that she had leant me for the day and sped down the highway to the cake shop I was headed to. On my way, I got a text from Liz:

💥 Liz 💥

Hi Ella! Everything's set up here! Have you picked up the cake yet? xxx

💕 Ella 💕

No, not yet, I'm on my way to the shop now! Luke's on his way but I promise I'll get there in time! xxxx

💥 Liz 💥

Ok then! See you later, lovely! xxx

The truth was, we had been planning a surprise party for Luke for a while. All his friends and close family were going as we thought it was important, especially as it was his 18th. I pulled in to the small customer car park and ran into the shop. The cake we had picked for him was in the shape of a guitar with the strings bent into the number, you guessed it, 18. We knew it was cheesy, so that's why we made it chocolate flavour. I placed the cake carefully on the back seat and placed a blanket round it so it wouldn't slide around too much. I already knew I would be late. He was due to arrive there at 3:00 and it was 2:57.

I sped up the highway, determined to make it in time and keep my promise.

At that moment, a car in the corresponding lane swerved, making me lose control of the car. The car flipped, shaking violently, spinning off of the highway and towards a thick, old tree trunk.

I knew this would be it.

My mind was spinning but with what it thought was my last breath, I whispered, "I love you, Luke,"

Then, suddenly, everything went black.

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