Losing Myself...

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Ella's POV:

I woke up, confused and dazed in a strange, white room. I had wires attached to me on the back of my hand and around my head. I ached all over and I could barely move. There was a boy sat next to me, his head propped up with one of his hands and I turned to face him.

I stared at this blonde haired, blue eyed boy who looked so happy to see me. After I asked him who he was, tears welled up in his eyes and he broke down in tears. I noticed his was holding on to my hand and I pulled it away slowly. I didn't want some stranger holding my hand. At that moment, a tall, young girl with long, light brown hair stood up from a chair in the corner and edged over to my bed. Her eyes were red and puffy. She'd been crying too. Her face looked familiar...ABBY! My best friend of 6 years, Abby!

"ABBY!" I screamed, a little bit too loudly. A huge smile spread across her face and she ran over to me, crushing me in a hug, tears spilling down her face. I hugged her back until 3 boys and another girl walked through the door. The girl had short hair and was holding one of the guys hands. He had messy black hair and had tanned skin. One of them had walked over to Abby and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight. The last one had dyed his hair green and was standing awkwardly, not quite sure were to look.

"SARAH! CALUM! ASHTON! MICHAEL!" I shouted in realisation for the second time. They all sighed in relief and Sarah came over and hugged me aswell. After she had let go, I looked back at the boy who's face I had first seen when I woke up. He looked so extremely distraught and Calum had gone over to comfort him, not that I even realised that they were friends. I felt so bad that I didn't know he was. I reached out to comfort him but something stopped me and I pulled back.

"What happened to me?" I asked no one in particular. Abby answered me.

"You were...in a car crash. You've broken two of your ribs, one of your legs and you have severe bruising all over your body. You also took a bad hit to your head and that's why you can't remember Luke." She half spoke, half choked out the words. "Luke?" I replied. The name sounded familiar. The boy now known as 'Luke' turned around to face me and gave me a weak smile. I just stared blankly at him, desperately searching my mind for any trace of him.


"I'm sorry, Luke," I told him. His face fell and just looked at the floor.

"That's ok. It might just...take a little time." I smiled at him.

"We'll just give you two some time alone," Abby said. She winked at me and led Ashton and the others out of the room. I carefully propped myself up, wincing slightly at the pain. He looked like he wanted to help but didn't quite know what to do.

"Sooo...," I asked him, "Who are you?"

"Well," he replied, "my name is Lucas Hemmings, I'm 18 years old and...I'm...I'm your.... He didn't finish his sentence."Oh...ok," I answered, "Anything else?"

"Ummm...your car crash happened on my birthday two weeks ago. You've been in a coma since then. You were on your way to my birthday party when you swerved and..." He couldn't finish the sentence in fear he might start crying again. "I'm so sorry Luke. That must have been so hard on you."

I gently placed my hand on top of his and gave it a light squeeze. He gave me a slight smile, not looking me in the eyes. I carefully pulled my hand away, staring at the poor heartbroken boy.

Luke's POV

I was distraught. We had to wait 3 more weeks until Ella could come out of hospital. I sat in my room, staring at nothing. I felt like I had nothing anymore. I had a hole in my heart, that no one could ever fix. Apart from her.

After three weeks of moping, she was finally coming out. I had to make her remember. I will make her remember. The door opened, as I heard slight mumbles, and I stood up and cautiously walked downstairs. There she stood. My girl. She's alive.

I took each step with ease, edging towards her. She looked at me, cocking her head to one side.

"Hi, Luke" she said timidly.

"Hi Ella" I answered back, that lump in my throat forming again.

I carefully took her hand and lead her too my car.

"What are you doing?" she asked, a little scared.

"I need to show you something" I answered.

We slipped into the Mercedes and drove towards the beach we had met. This was it. We arrived, but I was too scared to go. A slight tear rolled down my cheek.

"Are you okay?" Ella asked me, her face full of concern.

"It's just...you know...the loneliest moment in life is watching my whole life fall apart and all I can do is stare blankly" I answered.

"That's ok, we are all a little broken"

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