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As the lift ascended up to the very top floor of the hotel, I couldn't help but wonder who the girl at reception was. She didn't look much younger than me but had a sort of atmosphere about her that had made me look at her in the first place. At the same time I was in awe of her, I was also left uneasy. Her demeanour was confident and striking but also had a sense of intimidation and, I hate to say it, evil about her. She was not at all a typical girl, she seemed far, far worse. I stared at the small, digital screen, the red numbers quickly climbing and hoped that I wouldn't have to see her again. But I also hoped I would. She had left me in quite a state.

Eventually, the doors opened and I, once again, wandered back along the corridor to my room. By this time Luke was awake and making coffee and toast in our tiny kitchen. "Good morning," he said, his voice raspy.

"Morning!" I replied, "Sorry, I've already eaten breakfast, I was starving when I woke up."

"That's ok babe, last night must have burnt quite a few calories," he smirked as he took a sip of his coffee. I blushed, even though no one was around to give me reason to be embarrassed by his comment. "Umm, so what time do you have to leave for the show?" I asked, trying to change the subject from last nights activities.

"I think in the evening or something, I don't know," he said, "so we have all day!"

"What do you wanna do?"

"I have a few ideas," he hinted and started leaving gentle kisses down my neck.

"Luke...stop it...don't..." I said giggling, "I actually do have plans."

"Who with?" He asked, pulling away.

"I actually made plans with Michael. We aren't really that close and I want to get to know him!"

I know it was a lie but after Harry had mentioned that poor Mikey was feeling upset, I had become more and more worried. The whole band were like the brothers I never had and I needed to see if I could help him.

"Oh! Well, ok, fair enough, sounds great!" Luke replied.

"So what are you gonna do?" I questioned.

"I'll probably just put on a movie, see if Ash wants to come round or something."

"Ok then! Are you sure you're gonna be ok?"

"I'll be fine! You two have fun." He said with a smile.

"We will! Love you!" And with that, I made my way towards our bedroom and changed into my jeans, pumps and one of Luke's shirts, slipping out into the main corridor just as Luke put on a film.

Michael was sharing a room with Sarah and Calum but I knew that they were a going out into the city to do tourist stuff so Michael would be alone. I couldn't put my finger on what could possibly be bothering him, it wasn't like him at all. I reached there suite door and gently knocked a few times. I heard him trudge along the hallway as he came to open it. He peered out and, when he realised it was me, smiled. "Oh, hi Ella!" He said. He had a croaky morning voice too. He was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and his boxers (none of the band put on trousers unless they had too), his hair was still messy and his whole face looked tired. "Jesus, Mikey, did you sleep at all last night?" I questioned, shocked at how exhausted he looked.

"Umm, well, a couple of hours or so I guess," he answered, as I followed him into the room and plopped down next to him on the couch.

"Why were you awake so late?" I said, continuing with my questions. He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

"It's nothing, don't worry," he replied after a while, "it doesn't matter anyway."

"Yes it does," I pestered, "if it's making you this upset then it must! Please tell me Mikey, I'm worried about you!" I exclaimed, taking one of his hands in mine. He sighed again and said, "Alright, alright. But if I do, you must promise not to tell anyone."

"Of course, of course."

"Ok then." He gave one final, long intake of breath and took a large sigh.

"Lately, I've been having some feelings..." He said, almost whispering.

"What kind of feelings?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well, umm...romantic ones," he said, cautiously, "not towards you though! Not that I wouldn't like you like that but your Luke's girlfriend and you're more of a friend so guys obviously like you and...oh god, sorry." He said as he realised he was rambling. I giggled.

"Mikey, it's ok! So, who do you like? Who's your crush?" I asked, the sofa feeling more like a 6th grade playground as we discussed who we 'fancied'.

"It's...uhh...well..." He stammered.

"C'mon! Spit it out! I'm dying to know!"

"It's...it's...Sarah." He eventually answered, releasing a long outtake of breathe as he said her name. The smile instantly dropped from my face. I let go of Mikey's hand and leant back against the sofa. I sat thinking about it for a while. Michael likes Sarah?! Well, this was definitely new. I never thought it would be one of his band mates girlfriends, let alone one of my best friends! But what about Calum? If he found out it could ruin their friendship! And the band! All these thoughts were wizzing around in my head until I eventually was brought back to earth by Mikey waving a hand in front of my face.

"Ella? Ella? Umm, hello? Say something!"

I managed to focus my eyes back onto his as I returned to reality.

"Sarah?" I whispered.

"I know, I know! It's so stupid! I mean, she's like a sister now that she's dating Cal but I just had to go and notice everything that was so wonderful about her like her laugh, her kindness, the way she's so cute when she's shy, her willing to help anyone, and her beautiful, beautiful smile. God, I would kill to wake up next to that smiling face every day and know that it was just for me. I try to make her laugh everyday just so I can see it. No matter what's happened during the day, I can rely on that smile to make me feel better."

I saw the light start shining in his eyes whilst he spoke about her, a loving smile playing on his lips and his cheeks turning a rosy pink. I'd never seen him like this. It seemed like he was genuinely in love, would do anything and everything for her and worshipped the ground she walked on.

"But then there's Cal..." He continued. The light went out and his smile turned into a sad line on his mouth. I saw the cold, dark look of hatred in his eyes as he spoke his name.

"Mikey, this is ridiculous," I said, "you're acting like you hate Calum! He's practically been your brother for, what is it, 3 years? Even more in fact, you were best friends at school! Don't waste all that over one girl. It may not work out with her but you guys with have each other for as long as you live. Don't throw that away. Please."

He sighed, thinking about this.

"I know I don't hate him. But why did he have to go and pick the one girl I want. There are so many other girls he could have and he has the only one that I want. It's fucked up, that's what it is."

He rubbed his face with his hands and sighed again. He seemed to be a fan of that.

"Look, I need to go and see Abby but really think this over. Do what you know deep down is right."

"Thank you Doctor Loveless, I'll do my best!" He said with a smirk. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"You're such a great guy, Mikey. You're gonna make some girl very happy someday."

And with that, I got up, smiling as I left, shutting the door behind me as I heard Mikey's final sigh of the day.

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