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I woke up, the sheets tangled around mine and Luke's legs. I turned over to see my clothes from last night strewn across the room. Then I remembered. I chuckled nervously, turning to see if Luke was awake. I carefully stood up, grabbing my underwear and a top. I threw them over my head and put on a pair of leggings, running my hands through my hair.

I gave Luke a quick kiss on the cheek and tip-toed out of the room. Quietly, I slipped out of the suite door and turned quickly, only to bump into someone. "Sorry," I muttered, steadying myself. "It's ok," a strong British accent answered. I froze in my tracks. He stopped too, coming closer to me. "Well, look who it is!" he said, chuckling. I smiled weakly, starting to walk towards the lifts. He followed me, brushing his fingers against mine. Him being Harry. I stepped into the cramped elevator and impatiently pressed the ground floor button. But before it could close, he slammed his arm inbetween the shutting, metal doors and leant against one side, smirking at me.

"Harry, please leave me alone," I said, bitterly. He looked wounded and surprised, as if expecting a completely different reaction.

"Hey, hey, where did that come from? Where's the flirty Ella that I met at the beach gone?" He teased.

"Look, if you must know, when I met you, I was suffering from amnesia. I remembered everyone but my boyfriend, Luke. I wasn't myself and I..." I trailed off, not wanting to put into words the hardship I had put Luke through.

"Luke, huh?" He scoffed looking slightly amused.

"Look, if you're gonna criticize my love life choices, can you at least either get in or get out of the lift cos I'm hungry." I spat at him, not wanting to look him directly in the eyes. I met with them briefly but then diverted my gaze away, knowing all too well that this famous ladies-man had power over women.

"Well then, I guess we're having breakfast together," he said in a cocky fashion as he sauntered into the tiny shaft and stood beside me, grinning.

When the lift doors eventually opened after descending countless floors, I sprang out of the lift, eager to prevent closeness between Harry and I. We wandered past the reception desk and into the dining hall. It was still early, the warm morning air refreshingly different. The summers in England were rather muggy and uncomfortable whereas in Spain, it danced across your skin and warmed your whole body in a relaxing way. Despite the early hours, the dining room was still busy as we grabbed a plate and started filling up our plates with typical buffet food. "So what are you doing here?" I asked, breaking the silence as I spooned a ladle of baked beans onto my plate. "We're doing a concert here, remember?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him and replied with, "I know that, but I thought you and the rest of your band mates were staying at the hotel down the road?"

"Well, aren't you the little stalker?" He said sarcastically, as I remembered how I missed that good old British humour. I couldn't help but smile.

"No, I came over and went to get some coffee with Michael. He was a bit down in the dumps about something but he didn't tell me what." Harry continued, more serious and concerned than before. Michael? Down in the dumps? That didn't sound like him at all! However, it was a worry I would save for later, when I wasn't trying to resist the charms of an attractive Englishman. "Oh, ok. Well, if you could try to watch where you're going next time you're wandering through the corridors, it would be much appreciated!" I exclaimed, trying to change the subject. "Hey, I wasn't the one looking behind me!"

"You're not even staying at this hotel!"

"That doesn't mean you have priority over the halls!"

"Yes it does! I'm paying to stay here!"

"Correction! Your famous boyfriend is paying to stay here!"

"Whatever! What's mine is his, what's his is mine and all that," I concluded, grabbing a couple of napkins and heading to a table in the corner of the room.

"So, how are you handling the hate?" Harry asked after the silence that had consumed our table for the past 5 minutes had become too much.

"It's manageable." I lied, remembering how I'd deliberately left my phone in my room.

"Don't worry, it'll get easier, the more the fans get used to you. But for now, I suggest you delete your twitter and your Instagram until it all dies down."

"Well, thank you for that amazing advice," I replied, sarcastically, "but next time I want your opinion, I'll ask for it." And with that, I got up and walked out of the dining hall and back towards the lifts. On my way there, a gorgeous, tall, slender woman came strutting through the hotel doors and towards reception. She had shiny, dark brown hair that hung just beneath her shoulders and was wearing tight black jeans with white stilettos and a loose, silky, white top with a leather jacket. As she lifted her sunglasses from her face and rested them on her head, she revealed the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I'd ever seen. Jesus Christ, who was this woman?! I took my eyes off of her to see Harry striding towards me but this time the lift was too quick for him. It shut when he was just inches away, much to my relief.

Summertime Sadness // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now