The Talk

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The tour so far had been...tiring. On our first day, we had left super early to catch our flight from Gatwick.

First stop: Spain.

We all stumbled onto the tour bus and instantly headed straight for the bunks to try and have a quick nap before we flew. I snuggled under the duvet of the bottom bunk and into Luke's arms, where I almost instantly fell asleep, rocking gently as the moving vehicle sped across the motorway.

Sarah and Calum had decided to meet us there but we had had a bit of a problem. Sarah had wanted to go to university but still desperately wanted to come on tour with all of us. So, she had decided to go to university the following year instead and Calum agreed that he would still go on tour even if she wasn't going. He was rather reluctant, he obviously loved her a lot, but she needed a job, a qualification, savings she could fall back on if she needed to. After all, being a band members girlfriend wasn't a career choice.

When we reached the airport, I dragged Luke out of the bus, followed by Ash who was carrying Abby on his back, her eyelids drooping. The flight was scheduled to be on time so we made our way round duty free for a while, picking up anything we thought we might need. We had been booked at a nice hotel in Barcelona, only for a couple of nights, but living with 4 messy boys and 2 other carefree girlfriends was going to be anything but easy.

As I watched London's bright lights and bustling atmosphere disappear beneath the clouds outside the airplane window, I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I had already been away from home for a few weeks to visit America and now, after a brief visit back again, I was leaving. I loved Luke a lot and I didn't want to disappoint him, but I had never been much of a travelling person. Something about the idea of being able to settle down in one place and get to know the area, the community, really appealed to me. But I did it for Luke. I would always do it for Luke.

I lifted the armrest that was between him and I and burrowed into his chest, hearing the faint sound of his headphones blasting music and the feel of the vibrations of the plane matching his heartbeat as I fell asleep again...

I was woken by Luke shaking me softly and whispering my name, "Ella! Ella? C'mon, sleepyhead, we're landing soon!" He chuckled. I reluctantly lifted my head, the orange and pink rays of the rising sun filling the aircraft with beautiful, warm colours. Michael was snoring with a eye mask on in the seat in front of me and Abby and Ash were busy talking behind me. Ashton was constantly scanning the plane, making sure there was no one there that shouldn't be (even though he saw the same people each time. I mean, it wasn't a fricken bus, picking people up and dropping them off). He had become so much more protective of Abby ever since he found out about Aaron and was constantly making sure she was okay. I know he only did it out of love but it was kind of annoying.

Ash had his arm around her waist, her head rested on his shoulder, their fingers entwined, talking softly about anything and everything. For some reason, I just wanted to punch them both. I definitely wasn't a morning person.

When we landed, a 6 seater Mercedes was waiting to pick us up. Calum was sat in the drivers seat with a stupid chauffeur hat on whilst Sarah had her head stuck out the window, waving at us, frantically. We all stumbled in and made our way to the hotel. It was a modern, fancy place, much nicer than I was expecting. It had a large, open reception with tiled white floors, orchids delicately arranged in vases, black and white marble pillars and grand staircases. It also had bell boys waiting patiently at the door, ready to take our bags up to our rooms.

As we clambered out of the car and towards the glass doors of the hotel, Spanish girls, all screaming things like, 'I love you, Luke!' or 'Ashton, you saved my life!' and 'Calum, can I have a photo?', gathered all around, blocking our way. The boys were nice and polite, signed autographs, took selfies, but most of the girls just gave me dirty looks or yelled nasty things at me. I didn't mind though, I was used to it.

Summertime Sadness // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now