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"It's great to see you again babe" Marvin smiled while pulling me into a hug which was followed by Oritse and Jaybe doing the same. Which was then awkwardly followed by Aston- Who had a cheesy smile painted across his face.

"Been a while babe" Aston laughed as i pulled away from his grip

"guess you could say that" I mumbled still not that comfortable about being in his presence once again.

A few hours went by and we were all currently sat having a break. We hadn't done that much dancing mostly just went over all of our ideas and looked at past tour dances and what could go well with the music choice. I had finally started to relax around the boys again but kept my distance from Aston as much as i could. I could tell he had caught on to what i was doing and instead of constantly trying to gain my attention he allowed me to have my distance making me realise he has in fact grown up a hell of a lot.

"I don't know how you boys can top last year’s entrance" One of the dancers laughed- I'm terrible with remembering names it'll probably take me the whole tour to remember.

"Well we know were flying in but we wanted to catch everyone by surprise a bit more. Not sure how we can do it though" Jay replied

"You could always use a second stage" I said kind of butting into their conversation

"What do you mean?" Oritse asked also joining himself into our discussion

"A lot of musicians do it, Put another much smaller stage in the middle of the arena and often come onto that at the start. Thus surprising the whole audience as everyone was expecting the entrance at the main stage at the front" I explained

"Amazing" Aston laughed

"Simple but affective" Jaybe smiled before patting my back slightly

"Boys i think we've sorted our entrance" Marv announced just as Leon ordered for us all to re start our previous routine.

To say i was on cloud 9 for the rest of rehearsals was an understatement. Yeah I’d danced with a few of well known stars- Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Take That etc not once had they used any of my ideas for their own show.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now