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“Night guys” I smiled as we all left the bar and went our separate ways to our rooms. I settled for travelling in the lift as the many sets of stairs didn’t look like a very enjoyable experience. Soon enough I reached the top floor and I went straight into my room locking the door behind of me and getting changed into an old hoodie and joggers. Soon enough my hair was tied back off of my face and all my makeup was removed. Just as I was about to settle down for the night I heard a slight nock on my door. I slowly opened it to reveal Aston stood there smiling straight at me.

“Now what would you want Merrygold?”

"I’m bored” He pouted while walking straight past me.

“Oh yeah, and what am I going to do about that?” I questioned wondering where he was going with this.

“I dunno” He winked.

“Right come in then” I said sarcastically as he had already walked straight into the room past me. Soon enough me going to sleep was put off and instead I spent the night sitting with Aston and just talking. You’d think that two people would run out of things to say to each other but that never seemed to happen with us. We just seemed to be able to talk none stop about anything yet never get bored of each other’s company.

“When we go back to London you going to let me take you out on another date?” Aston randomly asked as silence fell between us.

“Well... I don’t know” I said a little unsure about what it was I should answer.

“Oh come (yourname) don’t be like this”

“Like what?”

“Putting things off, you’ve got to admit there’s something going on between us”

“Is there though?”

“Well I hope there is and I know you do too”

“How do you know though?”

"Cause if you didn’t you wouldn’t tell me to stop right now” He said while bringing his face slowly to mine “Just one word that’s all you have to say” He breathed on my face inches from my lips.

Right now my mind was screaming stop, don’t telling myself not to go through with what was about to happen. But then again why would I listen to my head when everything I want is there right in front of me.

I stayed silent just staring straight into his brown eyes before nodding my hed slightly allowing him to know I want the same as him.

“Good” He whispered before closing the space between our lips.  

It wasn’t long for things to progress. Hands to roam and clothes to be removed before I fell asleep in Astons arms. Where I should be. But where I can’t allow myself to be.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now