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“I’m fine will you all just back off a bit” Aston laughed as he continued to hold an ice pack to the back of his head.

“You don’t look it bruv” Reesh said glancing at his face which had lost a lot of colour.

“I think you should go home” Jay said walking over to him with a bottle of fresh water.

“I really don’t need to go home”

“Jay’s right you really should” Rhonda added.

“Look if it will make you all feel better I will go home but there isn’t much point”

“Yes, Just go” I said passing him his car keys

“Fine I will” He huffed before putting on his coat and leaving the room.


A few hours later I was leaving the studios after finishing the run through of the whole performance this time with no more injuries being caused. I took a quick U turn in my usual trip home to check up on Aston. I knew he would always put on a brave face in front of the over boys but never the less I was still slightly worried about him. I drove the car through the main gates before slipping in through to front door as quietly as I could expecting him to be catching up on well deserved sleep they are always in need of. I scanned every room downstairs with still no sight of him, heading up the stairs I could hear a quiet murmur of the TV coming from his bedroom. Looking inside I could see him fast asleep his head propped up against the pillow, with his phone and iPad laid on his chest.

“What you doing here” Aston groaned as I turned the TV off from playing to itself.

“Sorry did I wake you” I whispered

“No, I was just resting my eyes”

“Sure, you where”

“So yeah, what you doing here, best not have been checking up on me”

“Of course not” I laughed sitting down on the bed next to him.

“I know you like the back of my hand” He said turning over in the bed facing me and tapping the back of his right hand.

“Oh yeah so what am I like?”

“Well obviously you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met as well as caring, funny, always putting over people’s welfare before yours, the most amazing dancer I’ve ever seen, lightweight when it comes to drink, you always get a crinkle in the top of your nose when you smile, you take over people’s opinions way to seriously and you hide the real (yourname) when you’re around new people”

“Oh wow” I laughed

“There’s obviously more but there just the basics” He laughed while brushing some hair out of my face leaving his hand on my cheek for a second before moving it away.

I don’t see much point in hiding it anymore. I may as well come out and admit it. I’m falling for my Aston. And I’m falling big time.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now