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I woke up the next morning to the flat a right mess. Empty bottles and cans scattered all over the floor including JJ and Chrissie lay flat out on the couch. I grabbed a blanket from the other couch and placed it over them both before putting a box of pain killers and two glasses of ice cold water on the coffee table opposite them. I quickly tidied round before tying my hair into a bun and putting on some jeans and vest top with my flats and sun glasses before grabbing Astons present and setting off to his house to hopefully leave the present on his kitchen counter and grab my car keys before driving back home to wake Chrissie and JJ up.

Half an hour later I was tapping in Aston’s password to his main gates before opening them wide so I could fit my car back out. I walked up to his house. Guessing how drunk he was last night and hopefully he would be asleep I grabbed the key from under his mat and opened the door before stepping inside. I took my shoes off trying not to make any noise against his wooden flooring.

“Oh, you’re awake “I mumbled as I pushed open the kitchen door to see Aston stood In just some joggers. He quickly turned around at the sound of my voice before giving me a faint smile.

“I erm... came to get my car and give you this for yesterday” I said avoiding eye contact and placing the small present beside him.

“Thanks” He said almost at a whisper while grabbing my keys from the drawer I’d left them in.

“See you then” I said before heading back to the front door.

“Oh (yourname) I’m sorry about yesterday, I erm. Don’t know what came over me” He mumbled while scratching the back of his neck and looking at the floor.

“Its fine Ast, already forgotten about” I smiled before sliding my shoes on once again and heading out the door.

Ast’s p.o.v:

I sighed before walking back into the kitchen were the small gift (yourname) had left me. I grabbed it before looking down at the neat wrapping. She always wanted everything perfect At Christmas she use to get stressed if a present didn’t look nice enough, hours she would spend perfecting everything. Wrapped in silver paper and red ribbon round the middle fastened with a bow. I opened it finding a small leather box. I took the lid off to find a bracelet. It looked familiar. As I looked more at the silver bracelet it came to me. 2006. When my granddad gave me his bracelet that my grandma had given him on his wedding day. It wasn’t that full of detail. It was just simple but I loved it. I was never that close with my dad’s side of the family. I loved them all and would never change them for the world, but we're just not that close so when I was offered this from my dad’s dad I was more than over the moon to accept. Then 2007 in Italy when me and JJ where play fighting in the sea and it got snapped and sunk to the bottom. We spent hours trying to get it back but it was nowhere to be seen and then for months me and (yourname) looked for another. But nowhere. I was absolutely gutted. And then here it was an exact replacer. I lifted it and turned it over to where my old bracelet had the date of my grandparents wedding day engraved and now it said ‘Happy birthday Aston’ written on the back. I can’t believe it.

“I’m going to go” I was snapped out of my thoughts by a petite voice. Then it all came flooding back. After I was shot down by (yourname) I went to a group of girls who had spotted me earlier in the night purposely looking for one to bring back and there she was. Long blonde hair, naturally pretty dressed in last night’s clothes with her heels in her hand. I could tell why I went straight to her. She was beautiful, my type. But she wasn’t (yourname)

“Oh, I’d offer to drive you home but I think I drank too much last night to drive” I said while placing the bracelet back in the box and placing it on the work top.

“Its fine I’ve already got a taxi waiting”

“Oh right”

“Bye” she smiled before stepping out of the house leaving me and my thoughts to sit and cringe over the past night.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now