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“Are you sure you don’t want to come stay at mine tonight?” Aston asked as his lips grazed past mine again.

“I’ll be fine” I smiled.

The 22nd had finally came and we finished our last show in Cardiff and travelled home to London before having our shows on the 23rd and fourth. It took long enough but we somehow convinced management to let us all spend the time at home and not in a hotel, by us promising them that we won’t be a second late for rehearsals. And that is the reason why Aston is practically begging me to stay with him the whole time.

“I’m pretty jealous of Chrissie now” He pouted.

“Oh lord” I laughed as he continued to pull the face at me “I’ll see you tomorrow” I smiled before getting out of the car and walking up to the block of flats. I got the spare key from under the plant pot as I finally reached our door. I had told Chrissie I would be back early in the morning but as its only 8 I knew she would still be awake. I walked in hearing the TV blaring from the front room slipping off my shoes and placing my bags as quietly as possible by the door I slipped into the room. I silently chuckled to myself as I saw her laid on the couch with friends playing and a tub of ice cream in front of her.

“So this is what your life looks like without me” I laughed.

Her head suddenly shot up giving me a second glance before squealing and pouncing on me.

“Oh my god I have missed you so fucking much!” She screamed still hugging me tightly.

“I guessed” I laughed as I pulled away from her grip.

“How’s it going? Is tour fun? Oh my god I can’t believe you and Aston, well I can, I always saw it happening, has anything been said about Spain anymore?” She suddenly blurted out all in the space of a few seconds.

“Whoa, breathe” I winked as I sat down on the couch pulling the blanket over the both of us.  “First of all Tour is amazing, It couldn’t be going any better to be honest and well no, We told everyone else about Spain and how I got the job and they all seem pretty supportive of me, including Aston which I’m surprised about he just doesn’t seem to bothered about the fact I’m going” I sighed.

The real reason it was bothering me this much as I knew inside I didn’t want to leave Aston yet the thought of us breaking up didn’t seem to bother him. Maybe I was someone for him to fool around with while touring?  

“Men are weird” Chrissie shrugged while pulling a face.

“One day you will want to settle down with one man and not half of London” I giggled.

“No thank you seems like too much hard work” She huffed making me laugh even more. God I’ve missed my best friend.

“It’s worth it though” I said thinking about all the little memories me and Aston have already made in the short time we’ve been together.

“You’ve got it bad”

“I know” I sighed being brought out of my daydream “It would be so much easier to say goodbye If I hadn’t though”

“I guess but think about it this way, at least you can’t say you didn’t try because you did and you can say it ended on good terms unlike the first time” She smiled placing her hand on my knee.

“I guess so”

“Anyway you must be dying for a night in your own bed ey?” She smiled standing up from the couch and straightening her arm in front of me so I could pull myself up “We can speak in the morning”

“Thanks Chris” I smiled pulling my best friend in for another huge hug “I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes”

“Well you know what I’d do without you” She laughed nodding towards the tub of ice cream and friend’s box set.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now