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“Come on, inside” I smiled as I opened the door to a very sad looking Aston. He did as I said and dragged himself inside and collapsed on the couch.

“Right out with it, what’s up” I asked while sitting alongside of him.

“Just stressed out” He mumbled

“Is this about your car?”

“No (yournickname)”He said smiling a bit “I’m just sick of messing up”

“Stop beating yourself up about it, you’re an amazing dancer and singer you just need to concentrate”

“It’s harder than you think”

“And whys that then”

He then fell silent and lowered his head slightly.

“Ast” I asked gently placing my hand on top of his.

“Doesn’t matter, yeah your right, you’re always right” He smiled before turning and looking at me.

“It’s a given talent” I joked

“Thanks babe” He said before pulling me into a tight hug.

It didn’t take long for Aston to liven up and us to be sat joking around instead of watching the movie. You’d think we were drunk by the laughter and commotion we were causing but none of us had even had a drop of alcohol, where just enjoying each other’s company once again

“Would you rather get married to a zebra or kiss a chimp”

“That one’s crap” I laughed “Obviously id marry a zebra”

“Well I am sorry” He laughed nudging me

“What about you, marry zebra or kiss a chimp”

“Well I’ve kissed way too many chimps before so I’ll be different and marry a zebra”

“You’ve kissed a chimp before” I laughed while drying my eyes from the few tears of laughter that had fell down my face

“Yeah, including you” He winked

“You twat I am not a chimp” I shouted before thumping him in the chest. Silence struck between us for 20 seconds before we both burst into fits of laughter once again.

“Okay stop, stop it hurts” I managed to say while laying down and clutching my stomach.

“Whoa look at the time, I best be getting home don’t want to be looking tired for tomorrows shoot” Aston said while standing up on the couch. I quickly glanced at the clock 1:18 well time had defiantly ran away with us.

“Thanks for everything babe” Aston said while hugging me

“Anytime you know where I am if you ever need to talk, or laugh”

“Thanks, Anyway I’ll see you Sunday”

“Sunday it is” I said while Aston placed his shoes on and left the apartment. I quickly grabbed my phone and composed a text to Chrissie:

‘You’re still not home:o guessing you’ve well and truly pulled;) remember use protection ha! Love yah xxx’

Before heading up stairs to get ready for bed.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now