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“Why are you so nervous?” Chrissie laughed as I paced the apartment floor.

The day of mine and Aston’s proper date had come around. Yeah we went out for a meal that one time which didn’t end the best possible way but I refused to label it as a date. More as two friends catching up over dinner. It had took weeks for a day to be settled mostly with my zumba classes most nights a week when I wasn’t staying back for tour rehearsals as well as being in and out of meetings with different companies trying to settle work for me after tour. I didn’t want to label myself as a zumba instructor but wanted something more important which we were currently looking into. Aston was also unable to find spare time as him and the boys were constantly working making sure everything was running smoothly for tour. We are now just under a month away for our first date- being Liverpool.

“Because this is like a date”

“Yeah, you’ve been on loads before”

“I know but this is Aston, a date with Aston”

“(yournickname) calm down”

I was dressed in a simple cream laced dress with my hair curled and makeup natural. Chrissie had practically begged me to wear the dress seeing as to her it was the start of a new relationship between me and Aston.

Only 15 minutes late Aston soon arrived armed with a bouquet of lilies- my favourite flowers.

“Well aren’t you sweet” I smiled while placing them on the kitchen worktop to later put them in a vase when i return home.

“Well I do like to impress” he winked

After a short car journey we soon arrived at a very popular restaurant- completely opposite to the place he took me for our meal as ‘friends’

Time soon passed and I found myself being walked to my flat door once again. Not going to lie I didn’t want it to end. It brought back so many memories. So many good memories I saw a complete different side to him tonight, The side I hadn’t seen since we were dating.

“Thank you for an amazing night” I smiled as we finally reached my door.

“Anytime” He grinned looking pretty pleased that he had proved me wrong and I did in fact enjoy my time. “So you going to let me take you out again”

“I guess so”

“I’ll look forward to it” He mumbled edging his head towards mine.

“Me too” I laughed before attaching our lips in a sweet kiss before heading back inside my home leaving Aston to travel to his.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now