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“Yeah?” I replied turning round to face Leon as he chucked a bottle of cold water my way, which I caught in one hand before turning back around and heading to my dressing room “Thanks”

I went in and grabbed my dance bag before heading out the back and into the taxi that was waiting for us. The boys had already been rushed out of the arena before the crowds began to form so we were just left tagging behind which caused us being 20 minutes late because of the traffic. 

“So what you wearing?” Rhonda asked as we walked through the hotel.

“I don’t even know, I’ve left a few outfits out I’ll just choose last minute” I laughed.

“Best way to do it” She said before going a different way to her room.

It didn’t take long for me to be showered, have my hair curled neatly into ringlets ending to my belly button and my makeup complete. I chose to wear a white strapless dress which ended pretty far up my leg- to be fair it was pretty small but not too small. It hugged my figure in the right places giving me more of a curvy look. I pulled on a brown blazer for when we were going in. Satisfied with how I looked I checked the time. 10 minutes early- a personal best. I sprayed my favourite perfume before grabbing my white clutch and slipping on my heels I headed down stairs to the foyer where everyone was meeting.

I smiled as I realised I wasn’t the only one which was early. Marvin, Jaybe, Oritse, Leon, Christian where all sat on the couches along with Aj and Cheekz from Vida- who I must admit I haven’t spoke that much to, yet they seem sweet enough.

“Hey” I smiled as I sat down on one of the couches.

“Wow, you look nice babe” Reesh  said quickly scanning his eyes over my outfit.

“Thanks” I said feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. Okay I may have dressed up a tad more because I kind of wanted to impress Aston.  Marvin then made some kind of coughing noise before punching Reesh on the arm and giving him a funny look. Okay what was all that about. Before I had time to question it practically everyone turned up all at once. Like I expected Aston totally avoided me and walked off to the first taxi with Marvin, Jay and Christian.  I can see tonight being... interesting.

We had been in the club for an hour. The boys had done there photos with fans who had bought the vip tickets and Marv was currently in his element being the dj. Aston hadn’t held back tonight with the drink at all. I was currently sat with Rhonda watching the boys.

“He’s not normally like this” Rhonda sighed glancing at me then back at Aston who was dancing and singing his heart out as well as downing his drink.

“What do you mean?”

“yeah he likes a good night out, but he’s always sensible with it, he’s never drank like this before”

“He doesn’t seem too bad” I sighed looking at Rhonda before looking back at Ast.

“He never does, he can handle his drink”

I guess she was right. Now that I think about it even when we were dating he always never seemed drunk or even if he was he never got to the point he was out of control. I kept on watching him as he gulped the last of his drink and slammed it down on the side before heading back to the bar.

“Aston enough” I shouted above the music gripping his arm as he went to order another drink.

“What?” He snapped turning round to face me.

“Enough with the drink”

“Why should I? After party is meant to celebrate the tour, so guess what, I’m celebrating the tour” He said as a cocky smile appeared on his face.

“I do know that, but I think it’d be best if you’re able to remember tonight in the morning”

“Why are you even making a big deal out of this, its not like you care”

“I do care though, you’re just making this so much harder for me, just hear me out”

He just rolled his eyes and turned back to the bar.

“Aston” I shouted again gripping his shoulder and turning him to face me. How could he not see how sorry I was. How much this was hurting me as well as him. “Please”

He dropped his head before grabbing my hand and taking me round to toilets which were currently empty.

“What do you want (yourname)”

“For all this to stop”

“You’ve brought this on yourself, you can’t blame me”

“I know and I’m not, I am so sorry for you thinking I was leading you on But I...”


“No Ast let me finish, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, and I kind of lied to you before... I don’t know If I’ve got the job in Spain yet... I’ve just been for an audition type thing, They haven’t got back to me yet, I just got so worked up and stressed and you were bombarding me with questions I just let it slip” I admitted biting on my lip.

He inhaled a hug breathe before exhaling and shaking his head. “What am I going to do with you ey?” He chuckled pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I really like you Ast” I whispered as he pulled me into a hug and placed his forehead against mine as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“I know you do” he replied kissing my forehead “and I’m sorry for being an absolute arse to you”

“Don’t be sorry” I laughed.

“So, what you going to say? Fancy giving me a second chance, give me and you ago, for real?”

“What if I get the job in Spain?”

“Then we will sort everything out then, if it means long distance then that’s what we’ll do, I really think this could work”

“Me too”

“So is that a yes?”

I just nodded my head as a smile pulled across my lips. A small chuckle left Astons lips before he swooped his head down and pulled me into a kiss that I never wanted to end. I pulled my hand up from where they were resting behind his neck into his short hair as the kiss deepened.

“Oh and by the way, you look hot tonight” Aston mumbled against my lips. I just laughed slightly before closing the space between us once again.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now