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“Remember that time we went ice skating and you sprained your ankle” Aston laughed as we were now sat in mine reminiscing. He had somehow lost his key and has no choice but to stay round mine and Chrissies.
“I thought we were talking about happy memories that wasn’t nice, it hurt” I pouted
“It was funny though”
“Wasn’t” I giggled swatting his chest.
“You cried”
“You laughed”
“I said sorry after, it was just funny how you slid on your back from one side of the ring to the other”
“It was your fault”
“Hardly, I told you I could skate backwards”
“Causing you to slip, me to grab hold of you and fall ending in me spraining my ankle”
At this moment in time Aston was in stitches as I could only guess he did a replay in his mind of that exact scene.
“Stop laughing at me” I said kicking him slightly and because he was so drunk he easily lost balance and toppled off of the couch. He looked up at me before grabbing hold of my leg and dragging me down as well so we were both on a heap of the floor giggling.
“Right, I’m off to bed” I finally said after noticing the clock in the corner of the room “You know where everything is”
We soon both separated to different rooms. Me in mine and Aston in our spare/Guest bedroom. I soon got changed in some shorts and a old blue chequered shirt. I tied my hair back off of my face and removed all makeup before brushing my teeth and crawling into my bed.
I was soon awaken an hour later to the sound of my bedroom door opening and someone coming in.
“Your guest bedroom is freezing” Aston whispered. I shuffled along in the bed allowing him to slide in next to me.
“No funny business” I yawned totally forgetting about the two kisses that we had already shared earlier in the night.
“Of course babe, night”
“Night” I said before settling back down into the covers with my best friend sleeping peacefully next to me.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now