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“So you agreed” Chrissie asked the next morning as we did our usual chat about everything over breakfast.

“Well yeah”

“Ohhhh I hear wedding bells” She winked before taking her last mouthful of coffee.

“Hardly, it’s just a meal, and I doubt it’ll even happen, it’s not like we have settled a date or time”

“Yeah whatever, anyway I’m going to work text me on your dinner break my meet you lot”

“Alright have fun”

“Yeah, you’ll have more fun than me watching four, fit, sweaty men dance”

“Yeah cause that’s all I do, watch them”

She just laughed before sliding on her heels and heading out the door.

I soon headed out after Chrissie double checking the flat was acceptable to come home to and every window and door was locked- a bit sad I know. It took a while with the London traffic but I eventually turned up just on time. Thankfully there wasn’t any screaming girls in the way of the doors today so I could slip straight in without the hassle of dodging teenagers from every angle.

“I forgot to tell you, I love your male fans” I laughed as I walked over to the boys

“How come?” Jay asked

“Well, they don’t scream, push, yell, hit their just calm and normal” I laughed

“Aw leave them alone” Ast said “They’re my only girls right now, well apart from relatives”

“Forever alone” Reesh winked patting his back

“What the, bruv you’re single”

“Yes, but I’m Casanova”

“That is true” Marv mumbled

I didn’t really need to be in today. Not many of the others dancers turned up it was just me, Rhonda, Sarah and Lisa. It was more the boys running over their routines as well as some single parts that needed running through which we were involved in. We sat at the back of the room doing our usual gossip while the lads stood in front of the mirror perfecting what they had already started going through. It was only till Aston took off his hoodie revealing himself in just his joggers and a black vest type top it was then I noticed he still had his bracelet on. Just like old times, it never left his wrist. Now and then I’d watch him glance down at it and smile or when they were having a break he would play with it, moving his finger around the engraved bit.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now