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Aston’s p.o.v:

“Goodbye” She whispered through her tears before turning away from us and walking away to get her. I didn’t realise but my whole body was practically shaking as I attempted to use all my strength to not burst into tears right now. I love her. Why didn’t I tell her? Now she was leaving the country. I couldn’t just let her go? I mean we spoke about long distance but it was obvious it wouldn’t work so why try? It would just have made it even harder to let go. Even though I knew she accepted the job I didn’t really believe that she would leave. I guess I really thought I could make her stay. Obviously not though. The whole journey home was silent. Now and then Chrissie would pass me a sympathetic smile obviously knowing the pain I was currently going through. When I got home I quickly poured myself the strongest drink I had while sitting down with the letter (yourname) left me.

Dear Ast (see I don’t just call you Aston)

I guess if you’re reading this then I chickened out in saying what I wanted to your face. I don’t really know what I am even writing right now I just want to try and explain how important you are to me. I guess someone will never know how much you love them but hopefully this letter will try and help you understand how much I really do.

The first time we were together it was great. Well actually it was perfect. But like we said our careers would always come first, that’s why we ended the first time. Then when I was offered the job to tour with you and the boys by Leon I was excited yet nervous I really did think that you would have forgotten all about me. Then Chrissie being Chrissie bought me your book and I saw what you wrote about me (I never did tell you this)  Like per usual I was being stubborn and wouldn’t admit it was actually about me and you actually did want something to start between us. Then when we first kissed after all those years I was desperate for more. Desperate for us to be together again.

Well I don’t want to bore you with stuff you already know and actually right now you’re moaning at me for being late for rehearsals (Last tour date it’s going to be ODT ha! You’ve got be using that all the time now) I just want to say that I will never forget you. You will move on and you will fall in love and that girl who gets to hear you say those three words every day of her life is going to be the luckiest girl in the world. And if you hadn’t got the hint earlier on in the letter I do love you. I know I’ve been to scared to say it to you properly, more scared of you not loving me back. Bit its true.

Goodbye Aston I will always love you.

(yourname) xxx

As I finished reading the letter hot burning tears where burning down my face. She loved me. She really loved me.

“Why, why why why was I so stupid” I yelled throwing my glass at the wall watching it shatter into millions of pieces around me “Why didn’t I tell her” I whispered sinking slowly to the floor dropping my head into my hands as the tears began to fall.

The end.

A/N: Well that's it. My first Aston fanfic finished!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read. I know this wasn't every good compared to other stories that have been wrote and still are being written but yes! thank you for baring with me and I love you all!

Oh yeah and I know I go on about it a lot but if you havent already take a look at the first part of my new Aston story Life goes on, that one is going to be really long:/ and is pre written so it should have a lot of more frequent posts.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now