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The next day soon came round quickly and I was dressed in my blue jack wills joggers, plimsolls and a old hoodie. I had already said all goodbyes to friends and obviously Chrissie as I was currently getting a lift to where we were all meeting to get onto the bus.

“Right, 1 week times I shall see you” I grinned to Chrissie as the car came to a stop.

“I’m so excited for you babe” She giggled.

“Ooooh, I’m excited for me too”

“Well I will be watching YouTube videos tomorrow make sure you text me or something after”

“Trust me I will”

“Good, now go, can’t have you being late”

I laughed before giving her one last hug and grabbing my suitcase out of the boot of her car. I climbed onto the bus to see Rhonda, Lisa, Leon, Jay, Oritse and Marvin already sat around. We had two busses which we were going to be shared onto the boys, Graham- security, Me, Rhonda, Leon and Christian on one then everyone else on another much bigger bus, including VIDA, Starboy Nathan and NVS and the other dancers. I’m not sure why we chose the smaller bus but then again not bragging ours is much more cosier. Usually males go on one bus together then females on another to give us more privacy but seeing as were all such a close group of friends we decided to break this tradition and mix us all up for a change.

“Morning” I smiled placing my suitcase in a corner where everyone else’s was before joining them all on the sofas.

“On time for once” Marvin laughed.

“Well you know, couldn’t sleep I’ve been so excited” I laughed.

“Well you better have the energy for the performance” Leon said in a more serious tone taking my joke serious.

“I was joking” I giggled “Don’t worry I will”

It wasn’t long till everyone had turned up and we were all now in the correct busses ready to set off our journey to London which should take just under 4 hours if the traffic wasn’t to bad. The first hour we just spent sorting out where each of us would sleep and where we kept everything before we all got settled around different places of the bus. I was currently laid on a couch with Ast attempting to play fifa.

“Can we have a break” I moaned half way through one match.

“What why?” Aston asked leaning closer to the screen.

“Cause my man must be tired I want to let him rest” I said sweetly.

“What, (yourname) that is the most stupid thing ive ever heard you say” He said bursting out laughing.

“Well you wouldn’t like it if you were forced to play football for hours on end with no break”

“Whatever babe” He managed to say in between his constant laughs. Eventually he did pause the game and I was able to go make us both a mug of tea and grab some snacks before we re started the game causing me to win many times.

“I’m bored of this game” I complained flinging the controller on the other side of the couch.

“Just because you’re loosing” Aston pouted

“No, it’s a stupid game, I wouldn’t even want to win”

“Whatever babe, I know you hate losing”

“I do not; unlike you I can accept loosing”

“No you can’t”

“Yes I can”

“Then why have you stopped playing after I’ve won you for the third time today”

“Because it’s a stupid game that I don’t want to play”

“Admit you’re a sore loser” He said pinning me town and tickling my sides.

“No, no Ast stop it hurts my chest” I said through the tears that were streaming down my face from laughter.

“Say it”


“no, (yournickname) Say you’re a sore loser” He said tickling me even more.

“Okay, Okay, I’m a sore loser” I screamed as Aston released his grip and got off of me allowing me to breathe again “I hate you”

“Love you to babe” he winked causing my stomach to flutter. I don’t even know why he was having this effect on me but the simplest of things he did made my stomach flip in a good way.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now