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After me and Aston had successfully settled our difference I got back on route to the gym- A little behind my set schedule I had set up in my mind but it was easily fixed seeing as I had a load of time off anyway. I soon arrived only an hour late, As I walked through the doors I was surprised to see the place so full of people wanting to ‘get back into shape’ Or ‘lose their Christmas fat’ I set myself up in the far right hand side on the exercise bikes and cross trainers. Usually their the ones I prefer to use although if the place is rather empty I do find myself having a go on the running machine not for long as I always have a feeling that I’m going to fall off- wouldn’t surprise me if one day I did.

2 hours later I was leaving the showers and heading back to my car ready to go home.

“This week is going to be so boring” I complained to Chrissie down the phone as it was currently on loud speaker as I sat through the daily traffic.

“Well at least your off work, I’m not”

“Exactly, Its boring because I’m off work”

“Well then go set yourself up with more work then, get some more classes organised”

“Could do, Ann rang me about a zumba class I could cover a few nights a week”

“Well there you go stop whinging, anyway my break is almost over so I’ll see you whatever time I get home”

“Alright then bye”


Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now