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“That is so relaxing” I mumbled as Aston continued to draw patterns onto my hip where my top had come up showing my bare skin. It had just turned 2 and we had set off to Birmingham around 2 minutes ago. Everyone was doing separate things off the bus so after a brief phone call with Chrissie informing her of my new relationship me and Aston decided to go upstairs and watch a movie which we were paying no attention at all to.

“I know” He chuckled “I remembered from when we went out the first time”

“If you keep doing it I may fall asleep on you” I smirked sitting up so I was now facing him. Wow he looked beautiful today. I mean he looks beautiful every day. But today he just looks. Amazing. I don’t know if it’s because today is the first actual day that we’ve spent together as a couple and I’ve just started to see him differently and notice how good looking he is. Or he’s purposely tried to impress me today. Probably both.

“Now we wouldn’t want that would we?” He said shuffling along the couch closer to me causing me to suddenly become aware of my surroundings and not just my thoughts about how attractive he is.

I just shook my head smirking. “So now what do we do?”

“Well I could think of something”

“Oh yeah... And what would that be?”

“Well...” He said pretending to think, before he edged his face closer to mine. That close I could feel his warm breathe against my lips. “It includes a lot of this” He mumbled pressing his lips against mine in a short but sweet kiss.

“mmm... I do like the idea of that” I smiled before leaning forward and kissing him again “But watching a movie sounds better” I laughed before jumping from his reach and onto the floor where a load of movies sat.

“I don’t think so” Ast said grabbing hold of my arms and dragging me back onto the sofa “I think you know what I want to do”

“Not on the bus”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with playing fifa” Aston laughed “What did you think I wanted to do like?” He said with a teasing tone in his voice.

Here we go take the piss out of (yourname) time.


“I cannot believe what a rude mind you have, I would not dream about having sex on the bus when people are around” Aston said pulling a disgusted face at me which then caused my face to go beetroot red.

“Shut up” I said swatting his chest. This was replied by a cheeky wink, before I crawled under the blanket next to him.

“Can we have a break?” I said looking at Aston as he continued to beat me.

“Why you scared about losing again” He winked nudging my leg, but refusing to move his eyes from the TV. He was in full concentration mode his eyes glaring and his tongue stuck slightly out of his mouth. I don’t know why he’s taking it so seriously I’m awful at it, he could easily beat me with his eyes shut.

“No, I think my people need a rest” I smiled sweetly.

“You what?” He asked pausing the game so he could look at me.

“Well I feel sorry for my people, all they do is run after the ball because you keep hogging it and they need a rest, and then they will play better”

Aston just stared at me probably thinking about what it was I had just said before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

“What? Aston stop laughing at me”

“I’m sorry” He spluttered through his laugh “But babe... y y you...” He didn’t finish his sentence before he burst into laughter again. I swear his laugh is contagious to anyone around and it wasn’t long for us both to be laid laughing. I saw nothing funny in what it was I said just his laugh. It finally took a good ten minutes for us to both calm down and be in a position to be able to talk again.

“I still don’t understand why you’re laughing at what I said”

“Babe, you do know they aren’t real people, pausing the game and letting them have a rest won’t make them play better, it’s not their fault you can’t play”

“Oh whatever Aston, I’m just taking a kinder approach to my team, you sit and swear at your players and I’m going to be kind to mine” I smiled.

“You are so cute” He cooed before leaning in and kissing the tip of my nose causing me to scrunch it up. “And you’re even cuter when you do that”

Unfortunately my game plan didn’t work. I lost. 5 times. As you could imagine Aston is loving the fact that my ‘kind approach’ failed and his way worked.

  “You still cheated” I huffed.

“How exactly did I cheat? Come on enlighten me” He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

“Well for the first and only time I had the ball you took it back off me straight away” I pouted.

“But that’s the aim of the game”

“I don’t care, it wasn’t nice, it was rude and very inconsiderate of you” I pouted turning my back to him.

“I’m sorry” He whispered crawling up behind me.

“What’re you sorry for?”

“Being rude” He mumbled laying soft kisses down my neck.


“Inconsiderate” He replied almost instantly as he continued to kiss my neck.

“Well then you’re forgiven” I grinned before turning around where he instantly placed his lips against mine.


HEY, I haven't posted in ages.

I know I'm sorry, but this part isn't really that important, It's just a kind of filler before I bring in some drama, also I wanted to show everyone how they act around each other just because... I wanted to ;) I know a few of you are excited for it to happen seeing as you've been practically begging me to post so that it can happen... Just bare with me haha!

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now