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“Would you like cash back?” I was asked just as I grabbed hold of my shopping. Only popping out to get coffee I ended up getting coffee, sweets, chocolate, wine and a pizza for later on as I could see one of mine and Chrissies old movie days re-appearing.

“No thank you” I smiled. I was soon handed back my card which was placed back into my pocket for when I set off out of the shop and on route home.

“Chris I’m back” I yelled as I walked through to door. Surprisingly there was no answer. I walked through to the front room where I was greeted by Aston sat on the couch.

“Chrissie said you wouldn’t be long” He smiled

“Yeah, Is there a reason your here or?”

“I erm wanted to apologize again”

“Thats all you seem to do” I mumbled


“I said, that’s all you seem to do”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“That you constantly mess up then come running back to me with a sob story and an apology and you expect me to accept it every time” I said I raising my tone as I could feel the tension rising within the room.

“It’s only happened twice babe, don’t start blaming me”

“But this time it was worse, I told you friends, that was all and you always try to be that one step closer, you ruin it every time Ast”

“Yeah well maybe I don’t want to be just friends, maybe I never did move on, did you ever stop to think about how I felt in all of this, or is what goes through your mind just about your feelings”

“Get out”


“Get out, you have no right coming here and saying all that when you don’t even mean it, you’re trying to mess with my head and its working so leave” I screamed pushing him towards the door

“(Yourname) stop it now and listen to me” He said grabbing a hold of my arms “You mean everything to me, you always have and I don’t want to be just friends, I know you want the same as me”

“No I don’t and if you can’t accept that then it’s either friends or nothing, because you can’t seem to take no as an answer” I quickly released my arms from his grip before opening the door “Go”

He slowly turned and headed out the door stopping right in front of me.

“All I want to do is talk”

“Well when I wanted to talk your mouth was attached to some lasses” I said before shutting the door on his face.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now