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“It’s not that bad” Marvin said as he crouched down to inspect the mess Aston had made to his car.

“Not that bad look at the paint work, and the fact I’m missing a break light” Aston shouted back obviously still not in a much better mood

“Well then you’re lucky you have a record deal bruv” Oritsé Joked to just be replied by a death glare from Aston.

“Away Ast it’s not like you can’t afford it stop trying to make it seem worse than it is” Jay pointed out while patting Aston on the back

“(Yourname) stop laughing” Aston complained as he turned around to see me giggling away once again

“I’m sorry, I think I should just leave” I said in between laughing

“Yeah you do that” He joked before hugging me goodbye.

I quickly got into my car and set off home still laughing to myself about how Aston had been so short tempered when it came to his car.

“Chris I’m home” I yelled as I stepped into the flat.

“Iya” She shouted while coming running down the stairs with her makeup and hair done and just dressed in some tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie.

“You going out?” I asked as I noticed the change in my friend’s appearance (minus the clothes)

“Yeah, got another date” She beamed

“Must be serious then” I winked before heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

“It’s only a second date” She laughed “Anyway what you got planned for tonight?”

“I don’t know, probably just sit and watch tv, I don’t have work tomorrow the boys have some important photo shoot they need doing this week so all dancers have a long weekend”

“Fair enough, anyway I’m off to finish getting ready”

I quickly tidied around the flat before heading up to my room to have a shower before blow drying my hair and letting it hang in loose curls and slipping on my Jack wills joggers and a vest top.

“Right (yournickname) I’m going” Chrissie shouted before slamming the front door shut.

I snatched up my blackberry and I pad before heading down stairs to see what movies where on.

1 message Ast:

‘What you doing? I need cheering up xx’

‘Nothing, just watching a movie come round if you like?xx’

‘You sure? don’t want to intrude xx’

‘Course I am now hurry up cause I’m ordering food in a minute! xx’

‘Won’t be long: )xx’

It was a bit weird Aston wanted to come to me to talk. You’d think one of the boys would be better seeing as all I seem to do is laugh at his problems. But then again maybe he wanted a female’s advice on something and I was currently the only one that didn’t have that much of an interesting life and to be out doing something after work.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now