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I woke up the next morning my head resting on Aston’s bare chest and his arms wrapped tightly around my body. I attempted to sit up slightly before Aston tugged me back down.

“Go back to sleep babe” He groaned before shuffling a bit so he was cuddled up to me more.I stayed still as I felt his nose run up the side of my neck inhaling before exhaling and falling back to sleep. How could I sleep when I knew what I was doing right now? I was doing what I promised myself I wouldn’t, getting involved in something I shouldn’t when all I want is to forget Aston again and live my life. Suddenly I’m back to my old self, depending on him, spending all my days thinking about him, after this tour I need to leave and never come back. Ignore everything that has to do with him. It’s my only option. I have no choice. I couldn’t take it any longer I slipped out of his arms and quickly got dressed. Before slipping out of the room quietly. I didn’t know where I’m going to go. Just anywhere away as long as I am on my own.

“Should have known you’d have done this” I heard Aston say as he came walking over and sitting down on the bench along side of me.

“Do what?” I mumbled

“Run, hide” He said “I’m so stupid actually thinking you wanted that last night”

“I did, I just... It’s just that...”

“Just what?”

“It doesn’t matter just leave it Aston”

“No because you keep doing this” He asked turning to face me “Stop messing me around, stop thinking about how you feel in all of this and start thinking about how I feel"

“I can’t be with you”

“Why not?”

“It doesn’t matter”

“Yes it does”

“No it doesn’t Aston” I said raising the tone of my voice

“Yes it does, I can see straight through you, something or someone is stopping you from being happen, just come out with it”

“I’m moving to Spain” I shouted feeling guilty straight after the words had left my mouth as I saw his eyes widen and his head drop.

“Spain?” He repeated in a whisper.



“Straight after tour”

“What for?”

“I got a job doing like a theatre performance, It’s great experience for me doing stuff in over countries”

“That’s great” He sighed looking down at the floor “I’m so happy for you”

Although the right words where leaving his mouth I had so many doubts in not believing what it was he was saying. Maybe it was fake smile, the pain in his eyes, the way his body had naturally moved away from me. I don’t know.


“I best go get ready to meet Marv He mumbled.

“Ast please don’t I’m so sorry” I said trying to fight back the tears which were burning to escape my eyes.

“its fine, I’m just surprised I didn’t catch on sooner” He chuckled to himself while scratching the back of his neck.

“Catch on to what?”

“The game you’ve been playing”

“I’ve not been playing a game”

“Sure you have, soon as I ended things between us you hated me, months you avoided all my calls, when I come home to visit family you would refuse to see me, you sent your friends round my house with clothes I’d left at yours because you didn’t want me to go near yours. I should have known you wouldn’t just forget about it all like that, so instead you took this job to make your payback, make my life hell, hurt me like I hurt you. Well done (yourname) you did a great job”  

“Aston please” I whispered as the tears finally came streaming down my face “you’ve got it all wrong”

“No (yourname) just save your sob story for someone who cares” He said harshly before walking off leaving me alone to cry.

Baby take a chance on me- Aston Merrygold fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now