Heart, Mind, Soul All Mine to Control

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This was suppose to be an easy mission. Get in, get out. Don't be seen. That's all. But one clank, one trip, one fall. That's all that caused this.

  Shiro had sent Lance on a solo mission so the team can have peace. The mission wasn't far so if something did happen, they could get their quickly. Lance had been bothering them for the last two days and they were also frustrated. Keith couldn't get past training level 22. Pidge need to find the right wires to hook up to the new tracking device she was making. Hunk was trying a new recipe. Shiro and the princess were making new plans for the next attack. Coran was fixing his panel. It was quiet for once on the ship.

Lance on the other hand, was running for his life. He turned and shot a guard in the abdomen and kept running. He was almost at the hanger. Almost. A tin was thrown into the hall. A gas started spreading around. He pressed the help button,"Uh, guys. So the mission didn't go as planned." He didn't hear anything except laughter. "Guys." Suddenly he heard footsteps. Calmly walking up to Lance from behind, the stranger ripped Lances helmet off. Lance took a deep breath, trying not to breath in the gas. He tried running to the hanger but the stranger grabbed his wrist. He looked up and asked "Who are you," as his vision blurred. The stranger answered "Lotor."And with that Lance fell into the strangers arms and drifted to a dreamless sleep.

  The other Paladins walked into the control room. They saw a blinking red light signaling something was wrong. Allura went to the panel to see what's wrong. She saw Lance had pressed the help button. Now she was nervous. Who knows what could have happened. She turned around and faced the Paladins, "Suit up. Lance is in trouble." They ran to get their armor on and see what happened. They reached the hanger next to where Lance went in. They started walking slowly to make sure no guards are around. They made it to the hanger door. Pidge hacked it so it was cracked. They didn't see anything unusual, so they opened the door all the way.

  Lance sat next to some boxes, unresponsive. They called for him. He didn't move. The door to the ship next to Lance opened. Walking down the ramp, Lotor saw the Paladins. "Ah, you've finally shown up." He said.

  "What did you do to Lance?!?" Shiro yelled. All of the paladins took their weapons out prepared to fight.  "I've done nothing but put him to sleep. The only thing is, I didn't know paladins can come in cute packages." Lotor said walking over to Lance and caress his cheek. "Get your hand off of him!" Keith yelled. Yes, Keith has a crush on him."Sorry but he's mine, it didn't look like you want him when he called for help."Lotor gently picked Lance up, making it so the paladins can see how peaceful Lance look. "Now I bid you adiue." Lotors generals came out to deal with the paladins while Lotor got away.

  Before he left, Pidge stuck a tracker on his ship. Now they had a way to find lance. They ran not wanting anyone to get hurt or taken. They came back to the ship and sat in the control room to get the exact location of Lance. It would take a few days. A few days to long for everyone.


  Lance woke up on something soft. Like cloud. His eyes were blurry and his mind was hazy. ' Where am I?' He saw lots of purple and orange blobs around. When did I get in a bed. I looked around now that my vision was less blurry. I saw a desk to my left with some papers and knicknacks. I saw a bookshelf next to it with some weird writing on it and a glass bird with a picture. To my right their was a small night stand with a glass of water. I didn't want to take of risk of death. Suddenly, the door opened on the right. A man of purple skin and white hair walked out. " Oh, I see you are up my kitten,  " He exclaimed.  " Where am I sir? " "Lotor. My name is Lotor. Your on my ship in space. "

Lance was so confused. Wasn't he on a mission? Wait. What was the mission for? It struck him. "Get away from me." He screamed. He fell over the side of the bed, becoming slightly dazed from the impact. He jumped when he saw a hand about to grab him. He scooted back trying to get away. He felt a door behind him open. He sprinted down the hallway, hearing Lotor getting the soldiers to restrain him. He could feel his connection with the blue lion return. He saw an empty room and ran for the vent.

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