Season 2 Episode 2

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Remember when Lance and Hunk got stuck on the ocean planet with the mermaid people. What if they didn't get off and Pidge tracked them down because of Blue and Yellow.



I set up all of my equipment in the bridge with the help of Keith and Shiro. We're still missing Lance and Hunk. It's been several Vargas and I couldn't wait anymore. I was going to track the Blue and Yellow lions signatures. I also needed Allura to help because she is linked up with the Lions. I told Allura to focus on Blue and Yellows signature so I can find the planet. She had a light glow while doing this but I was looking at the computer screen.

The planet had water. Only two percent was land and it had a huge ice ring or something. It was like something was smashed to the side and it froze. I scanned through the map to find a picture of the planet. I saw it was in a star system that was kind of far away. Their were only two other planets their and one sun which was not on the planet with Lance and Hunk.

I told Allura she was okay to stop. She walked over with Coran who was looking down at my laptop screen. He said with a worm hole we could get their. We were going to wait a varga and a half so Alluras at full power. She sat down in Hunks chair behind me so she would know if anything changed. I asked a question without looking at her. "Allura. Do you think they are okay?" She answered, "I think they are okay. They have each other so if anything happened, they will be their for each other." I smiled at her. "Thanks Allura. I needed to hear that." I calmed my nerves down. Then the signal was lost.



I was with Plaxum, Swirn, and Blumfump outside of the castle. We were going to try and get Hunk. Then we can have a dance with the queen, save everyone, and have a parade.(🙂) From what they know and filled me in on, I was brainwashed from the queen to be happy here and never want to leave. I think it was that dance that they had during dinner but they think it's from the queen singing or something. All I knew was that I needed Hunk to help me.

I walked up to the guards casually so it looked like I was still under the queens control. "Hey there. Isn't everything just safe and warm. Well I'll be off to-  OH COME ON!" I yell. The guards threw a net made of vines around me and dragged me away from lions. I heard Blue purr in my mind saying she was okay. The guards dragged me throughout the castle while nodded to everyone they pass. We reached the throne room to where I saw the queen sitting at the top of long stairs.

"I had a feeling you'd come back for your vessel," She said to me. She was talking while the guards to the net off of me. "Servent. Take Lance to the Baku garden." She demanded. A door to my right opened up. It was dark so I couldn't see what was on the other side, but I knew what could have been. My fear was correct. Hunk walked out to the light with a blank face. He swam over to me. "Hunk. It's me, Lance. Snap out of it buddy." I tried to reason with him and help him get control. This wasn't working so I moved to plan B. I struggled out of his grip, which was pretty easy. I reached into the bag the Swirn gave me and grabbed the puffer fish. If this didn't work then I don't know what will.

I was about to get him in the face but he smacked the fish out of my hand. "No." I moved out of the way before Hunk could latch on. I swam up to avoid the guards. "Everyone. Capture him!" The queen yelled. I made it to the wall. I was going to launch myself to the fish, but I saw two guards almost at me. I jetpacked over to the fish and saw Hunk coming closer. I threw the puffer fish at him hoping it would get him. I turned to find a guard grab my arm. I looked over at Hunk who looked confused. "Lance what's going on!?!" I looked behind him to see three guards approaching fast. I kicked the guard who was on he in the gut and pushed off from him to the three, knocking them over. I grabbed Hunk and made it to the door. I pushed Hunk out the door. "Hunk, we need to get to the lions. Come on!" We were almost off the castle (grounds?) area.

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