wish we didn't have to go

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I ran to catch Lotor. I needed to see him once more. Even if it cost me my life, I would still do it. To see his luscious white hair and his pretty face. I almost tripped on a root, but balanced myself out. Looked up at the sky seeing the sky change from its normal pink to a raging red and orange. I hurried to find Lotor.

I saw him at a cliff. I ran and ran and ran, calling his name, wanting him to hear me desperately. He looked over his shoulder to see me running up the hill. He sprinted over, us hugging in the middle. He threw off my helmet, and gave me a long, desired kiss. I looked up at him to see tears in his eyes. "Why did you stay Lance?" He said in a sad tone.

"I couldn't stand the thought of you not being in my world. I need you with me and if your not, then life isn't worth living." I said, tears streaming down my face.

He gave me another kiss on the lips and walked me over to the cliff and sat down, looking up at the sky. "You know this means we will die?" I nodded to him, already knowing what it meant. But I still stand by my word of me loving him. He smiled at me. The same smile he wore when we first met.

"What do you wish that you could have done before you die?" I thought about it. Their were plenty of things I wished I could have done. I wish I had Lotor meet my family. Got to earth with me. Eat garlic knots again. Show Coran and Allura around earth and see all the different things. Play video games once more with Pidge. Help Hunk cook. Tell Keith how I always wanted to be friends with him. Tell Shiro he's a father figure to me.

"To much." I stated. I scooted closer to him and saw the sky glowing brighter. I nuzzled into his side and layed my head down on his lap. I smiled at him one last time, before everything came crashing down and saw the bright lights. My last thoughts were, 'i wish we didnt have to go.'

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