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We went out for the mission on the purple and green planet to find a special plant for the Blade. It was a blue flower that had healing properties. I don't know why they can't get it but I'm not complaining. We were wandering around to find this plant in groups of three. Keith, Pidge, and I were group A and Hunk, Shiro, and Allura were group B. Pidge said that their shouldn't be anything harmful on the planet, but their were no species here so I didn't trust her much with that.

I saw a blue flower but it was in the forest. "Pidge, I think I may have found it. It's suppose to have green and pink dots going up the stem, right?" She looked down at her tablet and nodded her head. She told Keith and me to go get it while she gets the container ready. As we walked over to the plant, I heard Pidge tell the others we found the plant. I grabbed the scissor like things to cut the plant from the stem. It was like cutting though butter. I turned around to find Keith slap something on his neck.

"You okay?" I said while walking back to Pidge. "Yeah, a bug bit me or something. Hey, have you always looked...that pretty?" I looked over at him, "What?" He looked surprised, "What?" He looked a little red in the face and his eyes were a darker purple then normal. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure your okay?" "Yeah.... I'm perfectly fi...." his voice died down until he was slumped over me. I tried making sure the flower was okay. "PIDGE, HELP ME!" I yelled through the forest.

I heard footsteps rushing around. "Pidge, someone, ANYONE!" Shiro and Pidge came into my line of vision running and in panic. They looked down and saw Keith laying on me. Shiro grabbed Keith off of me and I handed Pidge the flower. I got up adn dusted all the dirt off me. I helped Shiro bring Keith back to the castle and we get him checked out. "What happened?" Asked Coran. I told him about how I found the flower and how he was bit by something. He was running tests on Keith for about an hour before he came back.

He said Keith was bit by a love bug which was rare on that planet. And since I was the first one he saw, he will be all over me. Coran said it will last for about 3 quintents and he could act... differently. He could be shy or clingy. He doesn't really know because all cases had different symptoms. I went to my room to take a nap and try to relax.

I woke up to someone shaking me roughly. I looked up and saw Keith shaking me while Pidge and Hunk busted into my room. They ran over to Keith to pry him off of me. Hunk held Keith while Pidge came over to steady me and get me out of my dazed state. "Lance." I looked at her and everything straightened out. I saw Keith trying to look around Pidge to see me. I looked at hunk to let him go. Keith ran over and jumped on me to hug me. I almost fell over if not for Hunk to catch me. Keith slapped his hand away when I was balanced. I looked to see a murderous glare in Hunks direction.

Hunk looked at me and I started walking to the dining hall. Keith got off of me but had a death grip on my arm and looked at me with a lovestruck face. "So, are you feeling better Keith?" Keith's smile grew, "I slept well, but it would have been better if you were next to me. That's why tonight you are sleeping with me." I walked in the dining to see Shiro and Allura discussing plans and Coran walked up to me, "How are you my boy, I was wondering if you..." Coran was about to place his arm around me. Was. Keith picked me up over his shoulder and walked over to our seats and placed me in his lap.

My voice got caught in my throat when he picked me up. Shiro and Allura looked over at what happened and were confused too. I held a blush on my face while on his lap. Keith kept his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. Shiro looked back at Allura then to me. I mouthed 'help me.' "Keith. I think Lance needs to sit in his own seat." He had a nervous laugh. Keith turned his head slowly to Shiro. Shiro's face turned into pure terror when he saw Keith.

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