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This does have blood, death, gore, cannibalism, and  messed up crap because that's how nightmares are. If your afraid of this or triggered by this stuff, I would avoid or not read this chapter.


I walked down the corridor for breakfast. I wasn't going to eat. I didn't sleep. I just needed to get this information off the new chip we got. I walked into the dining hall, greeted by a tired Shiro, Keith, and Hunk. I walked past them and sat down at one of the chairs. I opened my laptop to start working, butnwas abruptly shut. I looked up to see Lance staring down at me. "Uh un. Not today Pidge. We are having breakfast like normal people today. We will have no electronics at the table." He took the computer and put it at the other end of the table. I huffed and sunk down in my chair. I looked over and saw Keith and Shiro asleep on their chairs. I looked over at hunk who walked in with the green glop in a bowl. He handed everyone a plate and slumped down in his chair using his arm as a head rest. He was slowly dozing off. I saw Lance who was wide awake. I felt the table shift and looked up to see Lance grabbing Hunk. I was surprised by the fact Lance could carry Hunk. Lance returned a few minutes later and grabbed Keith and me. I was slung over his shoulder as he walked. I was placed on the couch and had a blanket thrown on me. Lance left once more and walked in with a sack of Shiro being dragged behind.

Lance said we had to stay here and rest for the day because we looked like the walking dead. I wouldn't complain. I knew how big the bags were, but this was normal for me. I fell asleep with the other three in the room. What I wasn't prepared for was the next scene. I opened my eyes to Keith shaking me. I looked at Keith who looked terrified. I looked around and saw Hunk in the corner, puking his gut with Shiro patting his back. What startled me was the trail of blood that was leading out the door. Their was also bloody footprints leading out the door. I walked up the door and held my hand out. It was shaking. I was terrified for what lied outside the door. I heard Hunk finish and he was walking over. I placed my hand on the door and saw so many bodies. Their were bodies of Galra littered across the hall. Some were missing arms, others were missing a leg or two. The worse was the fact that some heads were rolling around. I felt myself getting sick, but swallowed it back down.

We walked around the bodies and tried our best to avoid the blood piles. That was hard to do. I felt the blood under my shoes. I could see the dried blood on the walls. These were things that no one should see. We continued till we reached the kitchen. In the kitchen, the smell of burnt rubber was around the air. The stove was on. We could see some blood around the tables and on some knifes. A pot was sitting on the stove. Shiro told us to stay where we were. He walked up to the pot and stumbled back. He looked like he saw a ghost. I walked up to see an arm in the pot filled with blood. The crimson color was starting to get to me. I could feel it all over my skin. It was giving me an itch.

We went out immediately and tired to look for the others. We hard screaming from down the hall. We ran past all the body's. I slipped in some blood. I opened my eyes just to come face to face with a head. The eyes were still open. I jumped back and felt my breathing become more erratic. I got up and ran to catch up. I made it to the door and slammed into Shiro. I would never unsee this.

Lance was tied to a chair. His face had a slice threw it. The skin was falling slightly from the face while his blue eyes were still open. He had a knife plunged in his gut. His intestines were hanging out. His arm was missing and he had blood on his armor, Almost as if he puked blood. His body was strapped so tight that his armor was cracked. Shiro ran up to Lance until he heard something. A muffled scream. Keith ran to the door and opened it to a sobbing Allura and Coran. Keith helped them out along with Hunk. Allura was sobbing the entire time, so Keith questioned Coran. Coran said the Galra were on the ship, but some became rouge. They were murdering everything in its path. When they saw Lance, Him and Allura, they were brought here while they watched them kill Lance. I was horrified. Lance isn't alive. I heard knocking on the door. I heard banging on the door. I heard the door being ripped open. I felt myself being pushed to the ground. I looked up to see red eyes above me. The worse part was blood was dripping from this things mouth.

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