Ryan x Lance x James

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I woke up to knocking on my dorm. I didn't want to get up so I waited for the person to go away, or persons in this case. I heard the knocking again, only louder. "Lance," Hunk said, dragging out my name. "Okay, okay. I getting the door. I climbed down the built in ladder that Hunk made with some metal pipes and went to get the door. I tripped over the blanket that I had wrapped around myself. I opened the door to James and Ryan, my two amazing boyfriends. "Good morning Lan- OH My God. You look like crap." James brought his hands to my face and moved my face side to side, checking as if I had injuries. Ryan had a look of concern too. "I'm okay. Just tired. Me and Hunk stayed up studying for the test in Mrs. Stanhope's tomorrow. We'll probably study later." James gave me a look. "If we wake up," I added.

Ryan shook his head at me with a small laugh. "Come on. You can sleep in Mine and James's dorm. Hunk should be fine with it." Ryan picked me up and carried me to their room while I protested. We passed by a few others, smiling at us. Everyone knew we were all together, and no one really hated on it. When we made it to the dorm, James uncovered the bed as Ryan placed me down. They tucked me in and each gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I have to go to class right now, but Ryan will be here with you till Lunch. Then we'll just switch," James said to me. I wasn't really paying attention, sleep catching up to me. I gave a small nod to him, showing that I heard him. I shut my eyes, feeling my self fall asleep, but not without feeling one last kiss on my face. "Sleep well," James said to me.

After a few weeks, we were all chatting at lunch when Iverson called a rescheduled class for right now. "Well, I'll see you cuties later," I said to Ryan and James. The smiled at me with a small blush and gave me quick kisses. I ran off and found Hunk and Pidge. "Why is the class now?" I shrugged to Pidges question. Iverson wanted us to do simulator runs because they installed a new system. We failed like always. That night I told hunk we were going to bond with Pidge. But I didn't mean for our bonding to last for 5 years in space. I wasn't even able to say bye to James and Ryan.

3rd Person

James woke up to Ryan snoring lightly. He got up and showered like normal. He woke up Ryan and left to get coffee for Ryan, Lance, and himself. Ryan met him half way, like normal, and walked with him to Lance's room. Ryan knocked on the door and waited for Lance's sleepy form to open the door. Ryan knocked again, but louder. Once more should finally get Lance. When it didn't open, Ryan saw Nadia walking by. "Rivavi, can you help us open the door. Lance won't open up." Nadia agreed to open the door as long as they bought cookies the next time they went out to town. They agreed to the deal. With the door open, they walked inside to find no one. "Maybe he got up early for once," James said with a shrug. They walked to the cafeteria. Then their room. He has to be in his classroom or the simulators.

Lance was nowhere. James started freaking out, Ryan trying to calm him down. Ryan found Iverson and asked if he had seen Lance or if any instructors know. Iverson said he had something to tell them in his office. They followed Iverson, walking past all the others who looked confused. Probably because Lance isn't with them. They walk in and sat down on the slightly uncomfortable chairs. Iverson started with the school lock down. Then how they found Shiro, pilot of the Kerberos mission, Alive. Then how  McClain, Garrett, Holt, and Kogane all disappeared with Shiro. James was on the verge of tears along with Ryan. Iverson told them they would send a search team to see if they are in the desert, but didn't know how much good it would do. Iverson let them take off for the next two days and gather themself.

News spread quickly how the three pilots and ex-pilot all disappeared during the lock down. James and Ryan got a lot of condolences and apologies. They stayed in their room for most of the next day. They were curled up together, looking through a picture book filled with Lance and them all together. James cried himself to sleep while Ryan was trying to stay strong for James. It was hard for them the next few weeks. They had breakdowns, but six months later, they were okay. Yes they miss Lance, but now they need to make it up the ranks so they can look for Lance.

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