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I walked into the apartment with flowers and tickets to see Keith favorite band. I threw my shoes off and went into the kitchen. I saw two empty glasses and a bag on the ground. I know it wasn't Keith's or mine so I looked back at the front door. Their was a third pair of shoes their. I guess Keith has someone over. Did he remember it was our anniversary, right? I walked to the living room and saw a shirt, a tie, and a pair of pants. I heard some noise in the bedroom and went to investigate. I was devastated. I saw Shiro on the bed with Keith under him, making out.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my bag and threw the flowers and tickets in the trash. I put my shoes on and ran out the door. I slammed it and ran down the hallway to the elevator. I hit the button to hurry and shut the door. When it shut, I had many tears to let out. Anger for Keith who lied to me. Sadness that he did this on our anniversary. The door opened and I found Matt who looked up at me. "Lance, what happened?" I shook my head and grabbed his hand and brought him to my car. When we were their, he turned to me. "Lance, what's going on? Why are you crying? Did something happen between you and Keith." I stopped him.

"Keith and Shiro are cheating on us. Shiro busy at the moment with Keith." Matt looked at me. "Lance this isn't funny." I looked at him in the eyes. "I'm not kidding. I left early to surprise Keith for our 3 year anniversary and saw Shiro making out with him on the bed. I don't want you to go their and see them because this will probably hurt you more. You are married to Shiro." I started the car and drove to Hunks place.

"Do you want me to call Pidge?" Matt asked me. I nodded. He made his call telling her what happened and said to meet him at hunks place. I called Hunk to ask him if me and Matt can stay over. "Hunk. How are you doing? Is everything okay with you." Matt turned to look out the window of the city. "Yeah, what's up? You never call this late. And not on your anniversary. Do you need help?" He was always concerned for everyone. He's a big cinnamon roll. "Yeah, actually. Do you have room for two lonely souls?" I heard some shuffling and a rapid doorbell ringing. "Uh yeah. Are you okay? Did something happen Lance?" I didn't want to answer the question. "We'll be their in a few." I hung up when I heard Pidges ranting.

I stopped at the red light. I looked at the stores and saw the bakery that I meet Keith at. I was working their at the time with Hunk. He was a normal customer that came in and I always gave him a greeting in the morning when he came in. After a while he started to respond to my flirts and then we tried dating. "Lance." I turned to Matt who was staring at me. "The lights green." I looked up and saw it was green. I pushed the gas and had us going out of town to a quaint little neighborhood.

I pulled up to a yellow, two story house that had flowers around the side. Their was a huge rock outside that said the 'Garrett's.' I pulled into the drive way and parked the car. Matt and I got out and walked up to the door. I could hear Pidges screams from inside. She was angry. I rang the doorbell and waited. Everything fell silent when I rang. I heard quiet pitter patters inside. Suddenly, the door swung open and standing their was Hunk. He grabbed me and Matt into a huge bear hug and brought us inside.

We sat down on the comfy couch with Matt and I in the middle. Pidge sat next to her brother and Hunk next to me. "Pidge told me some of what happened." Hunk said to kill the scilence. Leaned into him and sighed. He wrapped his arms around me. "I walked on them about to, ya know." He hugged me tighter while I started crying. "It's okay Lance. Let it out." I was sobbing into his shoulder. "I though he loved me Hunk. I really did and now I feel so alone." Matt hugged me and I tuned to return the deed. "I'm so sorry Matt. I know that wasn't what you wanted to hear when your coming home. I'm so, so sorry." I sobbed to him. "It's okay Lance. I wish I saw the signs so i could have confronted him and told you. You have nothing to be sorry for." I stayed their for a while, crying my eyes out.

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