Mr. President

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I walked into the clubroom, finding Pidge on her laptop with Hunk and Shiro nearby. I walked over to them and saw Pidge was on spreadsheet, figuring out the money problem between the music and sports clubs. I looked around and saw Allura walk in. She held a huge stack of papers in her arms. I looked behind her. Lance wasnt with her. Shiro got up from the chair and went over to help Allura. Allura thanked him and handed her bag to him. She placed the on Lances desk. She turned, "Where's Lance?" Pidge looked up at his desk and didn't see him. We turned to Hunk. Hunk paled and shrugged his shoulders. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I opened it and saw a message on the group chat for Student Goverment.

Lance: Start the meeting without me. I'm going to be late.

We all got in our seats and started disscusing.  If you couldn't tell, Lance is the president, and he's a great one. With his social personality, he can fix many problems and get things in his favor with persuasion.

Lance's friend Hunk is a big key in our group. Hunk is our historian. He writes down all our progress and talks about pass things. He gives great suggestion on what needs changing and brings bakes goods everyday to the meeting.

Then there is Pidge. Pidge is our secretary. She handles all of our money to. Her and her brother are the two smartest in the school. She takes care of our meetings and arranging them as well as sending emails and giving us the latest in the school.

Shiro is our social activity director. He sets up all the events like homecoming, springfling, and pep rally's. Shiro knows what to do and how to do it. Everyone loves it and can't wait for the next event.

Allura is our communication director. She helps Lance out with his speeches and helps make school events with Shiro. She helps around with everything and everyone.

Finally, I'm vice president. I normally help Lance with paperwork and fill in for him if he can't make it to an event.

That is what makes up our Student government club. It was three thirty when we heard some laughter from down the hall. I heard the door slam open and saw a stressed Lance who was huffing and had a kid clinging on his arm. "He you seen two boys about this tall running with a girl in a pink shirt?" We were all staring at his frazzled state. His hair was messed up, very unlike him, and he had bags under his eyes. He dropped his bag as Hunk was walking over and grabbed the little girl off of Lance. Lance turned an bolted down the hall. Hunk sat the little girl on the couch in the back and asked how her day was. "Hunk, who's that," Shiro asked. "This is Lances younger sister Amelia. Lance probably had to go and pick up them up and his brothers kids. They all go to the same school so normally one of them will pick up all the kids."

Pidge walked over to Amelia and helped her with her homework. We all were waiting for Lance to return, so we continued with our conversation about what to do for the Halloween dance. After sometime, we heard yelling down the hall. Again, the door slammed open with Lance holding two boys and a girl clinging on his leg. He sat them down on the couch and turned to Hunk and Pidge. "Watch them, please," and walked out the door. We all went to the window and saw Lance going to his car and grab four bags. We all looked at the kids who were running around the room like they were having a sugar high. Lance walked back in the room and handed the bags to each kid. Amelia walked over to Lance and handed him her homework. He smiled at her and put it on top of the stack of papers he had. "Did you all disscus the Halloween party?" He didn't look up from his papers as we told him what we agreed on. "Pidge will the cost be to much?" Pidge explained how we had enough to get double the decorations.

Hunk looked over at the kids who were done their homework. "Hey Lance, what if I took the monkeys to the park across the street? Are you okay with that?" Lance looked up from the papers. I don't think we've ever seen him so tired before. He looked at the kids as they ran over begging to go. He smiled at them, "Sure. Hunk, just make sure none go missing. We don't want the shopping mall incident happening again." Hunk laughed and pushed the kids out of the room. "Amelia, aren't you gonna go." She shook her head to Hunk, "I wanna stay with Lancy. I have a book I brought with me." We all agreed to go with Hunk and watch the kids. Hunk and Pidge managed them well. I stayed with them while Shiro and Allura went to go get some tea and coffee for  everyone.

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