When He's Awoken

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I loved blue. She was the best lion ever. It's like we fit together. She was very accepting like me. But sadly, I had to let go. I was bumped up to red. I didn't want to Blue, they made me since Shiro left. I would love to be with you, but I also love red now. Yes she can be pushy, but she still loves me too. I just never thought I would be kicked off completely.

Pidge went on a solo mission to find her brother. After that Shiro was back. Keith was still the pilot of black for a little, but he got to caught up with the Blade of Momora. It almost cost us our lives. So Shiro took over again. Soon time passed. I was proceeding to get better a combat. I learned some Altean to make Coran proud and more at home. I just should have stopped. I helped Pidge sleep, find a better way for shiro to release his frustration, stopped Hunk from stress baking and Allura from over working. What did I do wrong.

" Lance, we just think that it would be better if you stepped aside. Matt has it from here. " I knew this would have happened. I didn't argue. I knew that would make everything worse. They said I can stay on the ship. Pidge didn't want me to leave like Hunk, but I needed to get away. We got to a planet we've never been to. As soon as we landed, I bolted. I needed to stop seeing their faces. Their fake emotions. All they did aaas lie to me the whole time. Pidge was chasing me, along with Hunk. I saw a lake and made a dash for it. I screamed in frustration and anger. Pidge yelled to me, " Lance. What's wrong. " She a walked a little closer and looked upset when she saw my face. I had tears streaming down. " I'm sick and tired of being lied to. All I wanted was a family. We can't see ours right now and I was hoping we could be a space family but we-" Pidge interrupted "We are a space family. We've been here for so long, we are family." She said.

I looked at her and said "Does family get replaced. Huh, Pidge. What about that. Blue chose me to be the Blue Paladin. Then I got moved up to red. And what happened? Hm. I got replaced. Kicked off the team. Why? Because all of you don't care. You all thought I was just a flirt. A joker. Well guess what? I have feelings. And it hurts to know that everyday I don't belong. I'm the odd one out. I'm not smart like you and Hunk. Im not an amazing fighter like Shiro. I'm not some royal Prince or an alien like Coran and Allura. And I'm always compared to Keith. 'Be more like Keith. Look at Keith. Keith would have done it better.' It always Keith. Keith. Keith. Keith." I yelled.

Pidge looked at me with pity and sadness. I walked to the town I saw on the other side of the lake. I guess their was a festival because everything was super colorful and their were many vendors. I saw a booth with masks and clothes. I grabbed a blue silk shirt and black baggy short pants. I saw a blue mask the covers your right eye with gold, white, and black accents. I got changed and walked around. Allura gave us money before we went out. I looked down to my helmet and saw the red light flashing a bunch signaling people were talking. I put it on and heard they were calling my name. "Lance, please answer. Were sorry. We didn't know you felt that way."

I pressed a button on the side of my helmet and said "Leave me alone." I heard a few screams from them of how the Galra were in the atmosphere. They said I needed to get back in case their was a fight. "Your kicked me off the team, remember. Go find Matt to pilot red. " I said and I saw the flash of guilt run through their eyes as I turned off the comms. I wanted to enjoy the night.

I saw a ship land a few hundred yards on the other side of town. I put the mask on and walked around. All the people we nice. They were pastel blues and greens. Even pink and yellow. They had solid black eyes and had hair that was short or super long. They were wearing fancy clothes to. I looked around, having the feeling of being watched. I saw a man. He had a black shirt with white trim designs on the collar and trim of the shirt. He had slightly baggy black pants and purple skin. He wore a black and gold mask and had long luscious white hair. He started to walk over. I looked elsewhere so it didn't look like I was staring. "Could I have this dance?" he asked. I looked at him with a slight blush. I agreed and a slow song came on.

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