Forgotten {Klangst}

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This takes place after season 2, but Shiro doesn't disappear.

Remember all the thing we wanted

now all are memories their haunted

we were always meant to say goodbye

It was a normal day for everyone on the ship. Shiro was talking with the princess about new plans and when they should go to the space mall for a day off. Pidge was on her computer that never runs out of battery, typing away to hack into the Galra's security system, or what was left. Hunk was in the kitchen, trying to recreate earth dishes with Coran to show him. Keith was in the training room.

Even with our fist held high

Never would have worked out right

we were never meant for do or die

They defeated the Galra a few months ago. All they had left was to clear the rest of them out. They all were celebrating for days. Weeks. Keith was smiling so much but he also felt empty. Like they forgot something at the battle. He never mentioned it because it was forgotten. Soon enough, everyone felt that emptiness again. It just wasn't right. The quietness of the castle, the way how when the had a mission, no one was their to try and change the mood.

I didn't want us to burn out, I

Didn't come here to hurt you now I cant stop

Keith had to know what it was that he couldn't remember. It was super important to him. He really loved it. He called everyone to the bridge to discuss this. " Has anyone had a feeling? " Keith started. He was cut off by Pidge " Did we come to talk about feelings Keith? " Hunk wanted to say something but was cut off by Keith. " This is different Pidge. This isn't like a 'Oh Im sad.' This is a feeling like were forgetting something." Hunk looked at everyone and said " Yeah, I agree with Keith, but I don't thing its a something, but yet a someone." Keith listened and heard laughter. But everyone had a serious face. Where was this coming from? Allura said she would take them back to the planet where they defeated Zarkon. It was just a huge rock and it was called Nythorx. All of them don't really remember what happened, so they just said that they formed Voltron and Zarkon died.

I want you to know that it doesn't matter

where we take this road

but someones got to go.

 It took a quintant for them to get there so they all went to sleep. Somewhere around 3 am, Keith started having a dream. No, memories. There was a person. It was a guy. He had tanned skin with brown hair. Keith couldnt see his face. It was blurry, but he can make out some blue. He guessed this person had blue eyes. Keith heard his voice, " Just wanted to say to you mullet man, Tè amo." And he was gone. He was on the castle. Wait. But he was just at the battle. He sees everyone laughing and celebrating. Including himself. He looked at himself and sees he looks slightly transparent. They all forgot the fact that the guy wasn't their. That was it.

And I want you to know, You couldn't have loved me better

But I want you to move on

So Im already gone

Keith shot out of bed with a cold sweat. He raced out of his room seeing as they landed. He went to put his armor on and ran past the others. They all tried to catch up with Keith, but Keith was to worried to care. He need to find this mystery man. When he ran outside he was met with crystals. There were people stuck in them. Galra, to be exact. but there was a crystal that was to big to have just galra. There was a ship in mid air. Hunk ran up to Keith and saw what he was staring at. The Blue Lion. Blue looked like she was flying down. They looked down to see what was under. It clicked in Keith.

Lance McClain. The Flirt. The Sharp Shooter. Keith's crush. He ran and used his Bayard to try and crack the rock. Their was a weird smell coming from the rock. Keith put his visor down and tried to get back to the castle. He saw everyone and explained. They all remembered who it was. They were trying everything they could to get him out. Coran said the smell from the rock was a sleeping gas produced from the type of crystal. They finally tried using the castles defenses to hit the crystal. They tested it on one of the other crystal just to make sure that Lance wouldn't get hurt.

It worked so they fired it at the blue lion first so it wouldn't crush Lance to death. The Blue lion fell, but luckily the black lion caught her. Next, they shot a the crystal Lance was in. The smoke cleared, and there he laid. Keith ran out of his lion to get to Lance. It was like Sleeping Beauty. Keith picked up the bigger male, bridal style, walking to the ship to put him in a healing pod.

 At The end, Lance fell out of the pod. Confused, he looked around. He saw the faces of his friends. No. Family. Everyone gave him a hug, apologizing for what happened. He brushed it off. He knew what actually happened. He died.


But no one needed to know his heart stopped beating,

even though he was still breathing.


I thought the song went well with this.

If you want to DM me your ideas,

that would be great.

Have a nice day.


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